Splinterlands Gladius Case - Buying and Opening

in voilk •  3 months ago

    All participate in brawls in the splinterlands game, and I can see that it is a fun part of the game that should not be missed out. The reason why I recommend participating in brawls is because it is rewarding and doesn't take much time. We are rewarded with SPS tokens along with merits where SPS is always something that everyone wants to have as much as possible and merit can be used by packs. SPS is a valuable token in the game which is also a governance token of splinterlands. It's like more SPS you have means better region rewards you're going to get, and this is why I continue building my SPS holding even now when the token price is quite low, and some people are worried.


    It's been almost two weeks since when I bought Gladius packs and now, I have accumulated some merits that I am going to utilise today to buy Gladius's case and open up to see what cards I have received out of it.

    Packs Buying

    As of now, I have more than 18K merits lying in my account and since the cost of one pack is 2K merits hence I can buy 9 packs in total. This is a good count of packs I think, and I am going to buy it right away and will be opening up as well to figure out whatever the outcome I have received. I think it's better to keep on buying packs instead of accumulating more merits for even bigger purchases since I prefer doing it once a week sometimes once in two weeks.


    It is showing that I need to make a payment of 18,000 merits and this will give me nine Gladius packs. The entire process is quite easy and doesn't take much time because it can be done in just a few clicks.


    Now the purchase is successful, and you can see that I'm just with nine packs which is the balance available in my account and the next step could be to open these packs.


    Packs Opening

    I have already completed the purchase and this has added nine Gladius case packs to my account which I am going to open just now. Packed opening is an exciting part of the game and no matter what type of pack I open it always creates excitement about what is going to come outside. This is also because we don't know what cards are inside the pack and sometimes, we end up getting very powerful and valuable cards sometimes it doesn't happen so it's fine but still it remains an exciting activity.

    Every time I need to open multiple cards then I go with the same which saves time this time I have nine cards packed to open and I have entered the 9 and proceeded with it.


    The packs are opened and below are the cards I have received out of these nine Gladius packs. Each pack contains five cards which means I have got a total of 45 cards in total out of these bags and let's figure out what cards I have received.



    I have received 1 QUORA which is great, and this is the card that I always want to have. I have not received any legendary card today but have one gold file in a rare edition which is called Cutter Breeze. A total of 6 epic cards and 8 rare cards were received out of the packs. I'd not say it's an excellent outcome of the packs, but I think it's not bad so it's just okay cards I have got today. Maybe not a great day but still not bad at all and I'm happy with the cards hopefully we'll be looking forward to even better cards in the next opening that I will be trying after a week or maybe even later depending upon when I get the time and accumulate a good number of merits to go for the purchase.


    Everyone expects legendary cards and even I was expecting the same. I mean I was at least expecting one legendary card out of this purchase, but it did not happen which is fine because I have got other cards also and I am going to level up my existing cards exclusively for Cora which is a powerful monster in this edition. We can't expect legendary cars every time and it is a completely random process so let's see if the next time I am going to get something exciting out of the packs.

    {Images are from splinterlands.com}

    Thank you

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