A Challenging Attribute 

in voilk •  3 months ago

    A Challenging Attribute

    There is a saying, "No one can know us more than we know ourselves." Even if we keep explaining ourselves to those around us everyday, they can only know little about us, probably the part we reveal to them. They can never exceed that limit but for us, we know exactly who we are and can't lie to ourselves.

    Unfortunately, Sometimes, I feel I don't know myself enough, I have been in situations where I thought that was it for me and from nowhere, so to say, a kind of strength I never knew resides in me aroused and helped me scale through.

    It's not only life that is an endless journey, even knowing ourselves is a journey that we can't exhaust till we breathe our last.

    We are wired differently, each with unique characteristics, that makes life beautiful and full of lessons. The truth remains that no matter how good we are, there certainly will be that one thing or even more that will be lacking in our lives resulting in a challenge, if not to others, to ourselves.

    Many people think I am simple, calm, jovial and humble. Sometimes I think they are wrong because whenever I am alone, I don't find myself being all those things. Sometimes I feel like I am a pretender because whenever I am with people these things just flow naturally even when I don't want to, but when I am alone, I don't find them.

    One aspect of my life that I don't like is my simplicity. A very wonderful trait, I mean, if you don't have it, you are missing so much and you might not go far in life but here is the problem, I am so humble that it makes me feel like a slave.

    I see myself as nothing and the least everywhere I find myself. Sometimes people will take advantage of me and I know I should retaliate but I let them go because I feel they are superior and I am small, so why should I speak out?

    People know how simple I am. So they always bypass others and always look for me whenever they need a favor because they know I won't say "No."

    Most times I feel like a hypocrite because deep inside I know that I don't want to do some of it but my lips and my heart won't let me deny people help.

    I have tried many times to be tough to no avail, I will finish saying "I would always speak my mind to people now," the next minute someone will take advantage of me and I would just be smiling like a Christmas goat even though the thing is eating me up inside. I don't know if this is a blessing or a disadvantage, It's like i am caged .

    How Do I Feel Dealing With People Of The Same Trait?

    Anytime I encounter people with similar traits as mine, I try to be careful about the things I demand from them. The thing is people like that can easily be used by anyone. They just won't tell you "No," even if they are not pleased with it. So the best way to deal with them is to be considerate, treat them as you would treat yourself.

    If possible ask them questions, be sensitive to their mood and their responses. It's bad to use people because you know it's their weakness. Put yourself in their shoes, imagine what they feel as you are trying to make them do what you know they don't want to do or offend them because you know they won't react.

    Left to them they don't love the attribute but it's what nature gave them and it's what makes them who they are, it's inhuman to try to take advantage of such.

    A big shout out to my boss @kenechukwu97 and all the sponsors for this amazing prompt.

    N.B: The image used is mine

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