Man Snatcher

in voilk •  5 months ago

    "Do you think he can fall for you? He only has passion for me, but not you
    Thank goodness Dan is not that kind of man who would take advantage.

    Esther has been a good friend of mine since high school. We met when I had a tough assignment to solve. I tried to solve it but could not get a solution. I even invited the class captain to help me out, but he was just so confused with the question, just like me.

    After much roaming and searching, I finally met Esther, who was so smart. I asked if she would be able to solve the problem, and without wasting any time, she gave me a nice reply: "Yes.”.

    “Wow, please solve it for me,” I said, believing strongly that she was lying about solving the question.

    Reggienald Suarez

    She started solving it, and within a twinkling of an eye, she was done with it.

    “What! So fast?” I said.

    “Can you please put me through on how to solve it?” I asked as she was ready to explain it to me. After a few minutes of explaining, I got perfectly the way out. Four days later, our lecturer gave us a similar question for a test. Without hesitation, I solved it to my satisfaction.

    After the rest, I rushed to her and thanked her for her kindness. We became good friends.

    We both sat outside the lecture room, very close to the huge mango tree. The sun was getting to our position, and we decided to move under the tree just to receive some cool breeze while we solved some mathematical problems. As we were solving, a mango fruit fell on me, which made me gaze up. It was just like a shock to see a young guy up there plucking some mangos. We never knew someone was up there, not until the mango fell. Looking at him, he was so handsome up there, but I had not seen the true picture of who he was.

    Esther and I continued solving our mathematical problems. After a while, I gazed up and saw him looking deeply into my eyes. My eyes made contact with him, and immediately I got lost, just like someone who had been drawn into water.

    “Vivian… Vivian…” Esther yelled at me, but I was drawn deep into this young guy. It is unclear to me why I fell so fast for him.

    “Yes," I answered, just like someone who just woke up from a deep sleep.

    “Hope it's not what I'm thinking," Esther said, smiling at me.

    “Emm, no, not at all," I replied.

    Dan jumped down, and the real man in him reflected into my eyes in total. I was lost, as was my friend Esther. I thought I was the only one involved, but after seeing Esther, I got to see the way she also gazed at this young, handsome-looking guy.

    He said, “Hay!”. He was directing the greetings to me but not to Esther, as he was busy gazing at me, showing a sign of likeness for me.

    We greeted each other so well and exchanged pleasantries.

    We departed.

    The following morning, I called Esther to ask if she was done with what she was doing so that we could go to school together, but she responded, “I'm not going now. You can go without me.”.

    I left, and on my way, I saw the young, handsome-looking guy. I pretended as if I did not see him. After some moments, he ran down to me and said, “Hi, Vivian!” I wondered how he knew my name. However, I was carried away by his pleasantries.

    “I'm good, and how did you know my name?” I asked.

    “I heard your friend call your name the other time we met," he said.

    “OK, that's good," I responded while still waiting for him to say a word.

    “You never cared to ask for my name," he said.

    “Anyway, I'm Dan," he continued.

    “Oh, what a nice name,” I responded.

    “Can I take you out after class today?” He asked.

    I was so happy to hear that “alright.”.

    I left for lectures, and when we were done, I told Esther how I met with Dan again. She pretended she was not hearing me.

    “He even said we should go for an outing; will you go with us?” I asked my friend, but she refused my offer.

    I left alone and met with Dan. We had a nice day together. He told me a lot about himself, and I also told him everything about me. We laughed and smiled at each other. He asked me out, and I didn't think twice about accepting his offer.

    I got home when it was evening, and he called my cell phone, professing his love for me. I also told him how I felt about him.

    After the call, I told Esther how our outing went, and she only sighed without saying a word.

    After two weeks, Esther took my cell phone since she knew my password. I don't know what she had done with my phone, but I never cared to know, since she was my best friend.

    The next day, I was just passing by the campus when I saw Dan with Esther. I could not believe my eyes. Does that mean my best friend is trying to take my man from me? I was just contemplating but was not ready to conclude.

    Dan had to call me after their conversation and say, “Your friend wants to steal me from you. She said she wanted me badly, but I'm not the kind of person who can do such an idiotic act.”.

    “Why should she do that? What have I done to her? No wonder she has been so strange recently." I was so confused.

    I told Dan, “I would pretend you did not tell me anything.” We walked past Esther, and I called her to come, let's go to the lecture room together, but she did not answer me. I called her once and again, but she could not answer me.

    “Esther, what have I done wrong to you?” I asked.

    “Nothing. I just want to be alone," she said.

    “Is there something you are not telling me?” I asked.

    “Nope, I'm good," she replied.

    The next day, Dan had to show me her text on his phone. She said, “I knew you had something for me, just like myself. I love you so much to the extent of not wanting to let go of you." After hearing this, I got angry and walked straight to her and yelled at her to leave my man alone. “Why do you want to steal Dan from me?” I asked.

    “Or you are the one who stole him from me," she said.

    “Dan sighted me and loved me. He walked straight to me and asked me out. I did not force words out of his mouth," I said.

    She started talking about some sort of rubbish before Dan came around, placed his hands on my waist, and took me away. It was just as if the ground should open and she should enter.

    This was how we broke our friendship.

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