Kronika (New/First Album)

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This is a Cover (Kronika album cover)
    Kronika Album Cover CD Baby 1080 1080.jpg

    So December 12. 2022 i wrote a post about my shortest photoshoot ever, 56 seconds with a title This is not the Cover with a promise of final results in 2-3 weeks. Well in crypto time goes much faster, in finishing and publishing albums for Kronika it slows down a lot :D


    I must say i can't claim a lot for the idea of the shot, that was Martin @klapklapklap. I did click it in those 56 seconds and edited it. And i must say i am happy with it.

    I am not sure how happy would Martin be with lyrics translation but there are like 2 people that follow me here who would understand it in Slovak, and it was interesting to see how all of these AI apps handle translations. Gemini even tried to do an analysis, i was surprised by few, but half of them were a miss :)

    Feel free to click on the songs, take a listen, like, subscribe to Kronika. If you want to listen to it in a better quality or even buy an album you can do it on Bandcamp

    Takej hmly aj psy sa boja
    tak preto, milá moja - neplač. Neplač.
    Bez nás to už nikam nejde
    ak sme spolu - možno prejde.
    Neplač. Neplač.

    Svet sa prevrátil, na smrť obrátil,
    do zápachu medi, do hrdzavých výšin
    mierne, bez slova pre priepasť pred nami.
    Pre nový pohľad na more, ktoré vyviera.

    Lásku utratil smiech nenavrátil
    Zahodil kvety do tmy a biedy
    Jemne bez slova cudzí doslova
    znovu sme spolu pod hmlami sami zostali.

    Znovu sme spolu pod hmlami
    sami zostali.

    Takej hmly aj psy sa boja
    tak preto, milá moja - neplač. Neplač.
    Bez nás to už nikam nejde
    Ak sme spolu - možno prejde.
    Neplač. Neplač.

    Such fog even scares dogs
    so that's why, my dear - don't cry. Don't cry.
    Without us, it's going nowhere
    if we are together - maybe it will pass.
    Don't cry. Don't cry.

    The world has turned upside down, turned to death,
    into the smell of metal, into rusty heights
    gently, without a word, towards the abyss ahead of us.
    For a new view of the sea that springs forth.

    Love has been lost, laughter hasn't returned
    Flowers thrown into darkness and misery
    Gently, without a word, literally strangers
    together again, under the fog, we remain alone.

    Together again under the fog,
    we remain alone.

    Such fog even scares dogs
    so that's why, my dear - don't cry. Don't cry.
    Without us, it's going nowhere
    if we are together - maybe it will pass.
    Don't cry. Don't cry.

    Padina nemá more,
    ani rieku v svojej hore.
    Padina nemá more,
    kúsok blata v cudzom dvore

    Tak povedz:
    prečo sme tu

    Topole, topole,
    piesok, vetry, prach a role.
    Víno pridá vôle
    pre Padinu, že nemá more.

    Tak povedz:
    prečo sme tu?

    Cudzích nechcem, svojich nemám,
    obleč čierne všetkým ženám.

    Po cintoríne duša letí
    Piaty fertáľ čaká deti.

    Nemá kto prísť, matkám svojím
    kvety zaliať dušu liečiť.

    Padina nemá more.

    Padina doesn't have a sea,
    nor a river in its forest.
    Padina doesn't have a sea,
    just a patch of mud in a stranger's yard.

    So tell me:
    why are we here?

    Poplars, poplars,
    sand, winds, dust, and fields.
    Wine adds courage
    for Padina, that it doesn't have a sea.

    So tell me:
    why are we here?

    I don't want strangers, I don't have my own,
    dress all women in black.

    A soul flies over the cemetery,
    the fifth quarter awaits the children.

    No one to come, to their mothers,
    to water the flowers, to heal the soul.

    Padina doesn't have a sea.

    Nechoď, Ančo, na ten tanec, nechoď!
    Lepšie bude, doma, pri mne, lepšie.

    Posvietime, zaspievame, pomodlíme sa
    a pôjdeme spať

    z postieľky do maľovanej rakvy,
    na tretí deň do čierneho hrobu.

    Nechoď, Ančo, na ten tanec, nechoď!
    Lepšie bude, doma, pri mne, lepšie.

    Don't go, Anča, to that dance, don't go!
    It will be better, at home, with me, better.

    We will light a candle, sing, pray,
    and go to sleep

    from the little bed to the painted coffin,
    on the third day to the black grave.

    Don't go, Anča, to that dance, don't go!
    It will be better, at home, with me, better.

    We also did a music video for this one, there is a small chance that you already seen it :) if you didn't here it is

    Nezobúdzal by som ťa
    Keby vedel o kom snívaš.

    Nezobúdzal by som ťa
    Keď by vedel komu rúčku dáš

    I wouldn't wake you,
    If I knew of whom you dream.

    I wouldn't wake you,
    If I knew whose hand you'd claim.

    Kto Teba, Praslovan, plávať naučil,
    že si preplával tú ruskú rieku
    a sa v mojich génoch usadil

    Moc krvi slovanskej denne rieku prepláva
    vopred vlastníci a direktori,
    za ními trpaslíci, kurvy, mladíci.
    Rodovo silní, veľmi zdraví
    bohatým krokom z praminulosti prišli
    Po stých generáciách vynaliezavých,
    a po všetkých predpisoch
    zjebali nám všetko, čo sa zjebať dalo.

    Kto Teba, Praslovan, plávať naučil,
    že si preplával tú ruskú rieku
    a sa v mojih génoch usadil,

    Poslúcha vzdelaný, ráno do práce a tak vždycky,
    vopred sú hroby a chudoba,
    za nimi mŕtve ryby a zdochnutí psy.
    Bez pigmentu sme splodení,
    súčasný hnoj z betónu,
    množíme sa miešaním, chodíme kastrovaní,
    a všetci, po všetkých predpisoch
    zjebeme všetko, čo sa zjebať bude môcť.

    Kto Teba, Praslovan, plávať naučil,
    že si preplával tú ruskú rieku
    a sa v mojih génoch usadil.

    Who taught you, Proto-Slav, to swim,
    that you swam across that Russian river
    and settled in my genes?

    Much Slavic blood swims across the river daily
    first the proprietors and directors,
    behind them the dwarfs, whores, young men.
    Strong in lineage, very healthy
    they came with a rich stride from the ancient past
    After centuries of ingenuity,
    And according to all the rules
    They fucked up everything that could be fucked up.

    Who taught you to swim, O Slav,
    That you crossed that Russian river
    And settled in my genes?

    The educated obey, go to work in the morning, and always so,
    first come the graves and poverty,
    behind them dead fish and dead dogs.
    We are born without pigment,
    Modern concrete manure,
    We multiply by mixing, we go castrated,
    And all, according to all the rules
    We'll fuck up everything that can be fucked up.

    Who taught you, Proto-Slav, to swim,
    that you swam across that Russian river
    and settled in my genes?

    Prázdni sa dolina,
    prázdni sa Padina,
    prázdni sa dedina,
    prázdni sa dolina.

    A či sa vrátiš,
    a či tam navždy zostaneš

    Tečú svetom, prúdom nádeje,
    úzky pohľad a široká rovina.
    A či sa vrátiš,
    a či tam navždy zostaneš

    Cestuje preč celá rodina,
    v diaľke mizne detská ozvena.

    A či sa vrátiš,
    a či tam navždy zostaneš
    A ja pôjdem
    A ja pôjdem
    A či tu navždy zostanem

    The valley empties,
    Padina empties,
    The village empties,
    The valley empties.

    And whether you will return,
    Or whether you will stay there forever

    They flow through the world, in a stream of hope,
    A narrow gaze and a wide plain.
    And whether you will return,
    Or whether you will stay there forever

    The whole family travels away,
    Children's echoes fade in the distance.

    And whether you will return,
    Or whether you will stay there forever

    And I will go
    And I will go
    And whether I will stay here forever

    Predtým než odídeš chcem ti povedať:
    dom je kde je dobre,
    kde sa nevieš báť.

    A moje meno silu nemá,
    ty svoje ľahko predáš za dinár,
    a zostál nám len kúsok neba,
    aj to mi vezmeš, zbúraš, rozpredáš.

    Predtým než odídeš chcem ti povedať
    Dom je kde je dobre
    Kde sa nevieš báť

    Mladosť ešte nevie, starosť zabúda,
    bude všetko dobre,
    budeme sa smiať.

    A moje meno silu nemá,
    ty svoje ľahko predáš za dinár,
    a zostál nám len kúsok neba,
    aj to mi vezmeš, zbúraš, rozpredáš.

    Mám dom, v dome stôl,
    na stole koláč, chlieb a víno.
    Mám dvor, nad dvorom slnko,
    na slnku psa, kvet a strom.

    A bude všetko dobre, budeme sa smiať.

    Before you leave, I want to tell you:
    Home is where you feel good,
    Where you don't know fear.

    And my name has no power,
    You easily sell yours for a dime,
    And we only have a piece of sky left,
    You will take that too, demolish it, sell it off.

    Before you leave, I want to tell you
    Home is where you feel good
    Where you don't know fear

    Youth doesn't know yet, old age forgets,
    Everything will be fine,
    We will laugh.

    And my name has no power,
    You easily sell yours for a dime,
    And we only have a piece of sky left,
    You will take that too, demolish it, sell it off.

    I have a house, a table in the house,
    A cake, bread and wine on the table.
    I have a yard, the sun above the yard,
    A dog, a flower and a tree in the sun.

    And everything will be fine, we will laugh.

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