My Actifit Report Card: April 9 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hey Actifitters,

    Yesterday went pretty much as most week days. In the morning, as I tried to work a bit, Le Chat was hard at work as always.

    Kaia was a bit more reluctant to do nothing but since she didn't really have a choice, she chose the comfort of the bed.

    After some time, Le Chat moved from the futon to the carpet, but the result was the same: funny yawning faces!

    In the afternoon, even though I didn't accomplish much at work, I found the time for a long walk that once again started behind the front yard.

    Unsurprisingly Kaia started her exploration right away.

    Until Le Chat joined. She clearly was in an affectionate mood and even rubbed against Kaia. Sisterly love!

    As usual, we had to break the moment though, when we started on the way to the bigger forest.

    No deer this time, but Kaia found other critters to run after of course.

    We had great lighting to catch shadows. I remember we used to do that much more often when Genepi was still around.

    I think there's still something bothering Kaia. Just like a couple days ago, after a while, she started sitting every time we stopped.

    But she took the lead again near the end, as the golden hour light became even better. So, it's probably not too serious. Of course, I'll keep monitoring it anyways.

    For once we were done long before nightfall. It's because my friend was coming by to finish our trip preparation. We still didn't decide exactly on all the hikes, but at least we are now all set with all the logistics: flights, rental car and accommodations. We're good to go! Two more weeks!
    As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Walking

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