Long Rope and The Punishment That Ensued

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Have you ever heard your parents talking about long rope? Do you remember those days when your mom or dad will just say it:

    Your long rope is extended. The next time you try it, you'd get yourself to blame.

    This was what I experienced from my mom and dad when I was much younger. Living with my parents was the mist secured period of my life. One can surely sleep with two eyes closed and worry less about what to eat or wear, parents were there after all to provide all that. Our only duty was to obey simple home or family rules.

    In our part of the world, punishment is one way through which children can be brought up to become responsible citizens. We had to go through several kinds of punishments for any kind of misbehaviour. The punishments range from kneeling down, being flogged, going without food, or eating without fish or meat and so on.

    Expiration of My Long Rope

    I wasn't a bad boy nor was I a disobedient child when I was growing up but I have gotten into trouble with my parents more often.
    The first one was when a visitor comes to our home, I ought not to remain in the living room. Despite all the sign language my mom put up, I did not move an inch because Inwas watching a football match. I stayed in the living room to see the match. The visitor was also interested in the match and since we have only one television set, I decided to remain there. I knew that mom wasn't happy at all but I had the right to watch the match just like our visitor.
    Later on, when the visitor had left and the match ended, mom called me and warned me never to try that. My dad could not utter a word. I didn't know what his thoughts were about what was happening. My mom spoke about it all day. She threatened to deal with me if such ever happened again.

    I have broken several rules, most times, unconsciously. I have broken household guidelines, engaged in risky and dangerous behaviours, lied and been dishonest, disrespectful, scored poor grades in my academics, engaged in illegal activities, damaged household property and many more. But the last straw that broke the camel's back was:

    My younger brother and I had gone to fetch water down the steeple. Water was scarce and it hasn't rained for close to one year. Thankfully, there was one flowing water down the steeple. After each school day, we would rush down to the valley to fetch water for home use four to five times after school.

    On this fateful day, on the last trip I left the steeple without checking if my younger brother was following. I got home, dropped my water pot and went straight to the football ground to play with my friends. Football game had probably taken my attention that I forgot that my younger brother wasn't following.

    Two hours later, he was still nowhere to be found. When I returned home from playing football, I got the beating of my life. I learned never to be carried away by events and to always look out for family.


    The Punishment

    Mom was so angry that she sent me to the kitchen to complete the cooking but served the food and I was the only one that was not served meat. I felt so bad. But the good thing was that I learned what was needed.

    The image used in this work is owned by me

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