Love for animals

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Source: iPhone 6S - Munich 2020


    my grandfather had a PhD as a veterinarian, and since our childhood, we have been allowed to keep and be around animals. Allowed, as in communism, you would have not been allowed to grow animals at home. Most did it, as they bribed the communist party.

    So being since little around animals, I've learned to respect them, as the love for animals was always there. In my life, I've had two dogs, and dogs are my favourite animals to have as pets. They are loyal, love you unconditional, and protect your family. The first one was a mixture between a Transylvanian Hound and German Shorthaired Pointer. Both are hunting breeds and the dog was a very good mixture between them. Besides being a very good hunter, it was the perfect dog to grow with. I was 6 when it entered my life and was a true companion till 16, when it sadly passed away. With 17, I got another dog, this time a Romanian Bucovina Shepherd Dog. This dog was the best guard we had. At the time of his death, with 10 years, he had 85 kg weight. A huge dog, very calms and devoted. He loved children, and loved the family, but hated most other people. He was taking care of the other animals we had wondering around our garden, like cats, chickens, nutrias, and rabbits. As the economic situation was not tremendous back then, we had some tries of theft. The dog managed to subdue the thieves, and we apprehend them to the police.

    Today, sadly, we don't have any dog any more. My kid inherited my love of animals. Every time he sees an animal, he runs to it and wants to communicate with it. We bought the annual entry pass for the Zoo in Munich, and almost every second we had to go there, as he wanted to speak with the animals. I'm happy that he is like he is, and that he is our son.

    A special perk, which I also have, dogs befriend him very fast. It is natural, even the most ferocious dogs, want to play and cuddle with him. I love that.


    Source: iPhone 6S - Stuttgart 2021

    We probably will get a dog for him soon, as growing up with a dog, helps him. It gives a companion, teaches responsibility and helps him develop himself.

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