My beautiful cats [Eng-Esp]

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good night all!. How are they?. I hope that very good! 😊
    On this occasion I am going to share with you some photos of some animals that belonged to my life and that are no longer there, but that I remember with great affection.

    Buenas noches a todos!. Como están?. Espero que muy bien! 😊
    En esta oportunidad voy a compartirles algunas fotos de unos animalitos que pertenecieron a mi vida y que ya no están, pero que los recuerdo con mucho mucho cariño.


    He was Paco. He was a beautiful kitten with a small frame but had incredibly green eyes. My dad brought this kitten from a veterinarian and I caught his attention because he was fighting with everyone.

    El era Paco. Era un hermoso gatito de estructura pequeña pero que tenia unos ojos increíblemente verdes. Este gatito lo trajo mi papa de una veterinaria y le llamo la atención porque estaba peleándose con todos.


    He had only one mother. Although he had a docile character with all of us, he was very brave and belonged to the gang of young cats. I teamed up with the Siamese on duty facing the adult cats like mine and my sister's.

    El tenia una sola dueña...mi mama. Si bien tenia un carácter dócil con todos nosotros, era muy bravo y pertenecía a la banda de los gatos jovenes. Hacia equipo con el siamés de turno enfrentándose a los gatos adultos como era el mío y el de mi hermana.


    He was wearing a red ribbon necklace. My mom said it was because of the envy she caused because of how cute she was 😆. The nice thing about it is that although he fought with the other cats, when it was time to take a nap, all 4 of them slept together in addition to the dog.

    El portaba un collar de cinta roja. Mi mama decía que era para la envidia que causaba por lo lindo que era 😆. Lo lindo de todo es que si bien se peleaba con los demás gatos, a la hora de dormir la siesta, se acostaban los 4 juntos además del perro.


    He had one of the commanding voices in the house. The dog that at that moment was Tyson, a beautiful, very athletic Rottweiler, was terrified of Paco's challenges. Here you can see how he was the one who commanded respect in bed 😅.

    El tenia una de las voces de mando en la casa. El perro que en ese momento era Tyson, un hermoso rottweiler muy atlético, le tenia terror a los retos de Paco. Aquí se puede ver como era el quien imponía respeto en la cama 😅.


    At the time, even though we had a large patio at home, my cats were not ones to go out. They always preferred to be inside the house. You rarely saw the 4 of them out together. Generally it was because we took them out.

    En su momento a pesar de que nosotros teníamos un patio grande en la casa, mis gatos no eran de salir. Ellos preferían estar siempre dentro de la casa. Rara vez los veías afuera a los 4 juntos. Generalmente era porque nosotros los sacábamos.


    Here is the other member of the youth bar. His name was Junior and he was a beautiful Siamese who had a peculiarity. His tail was split, which made it have a very strange shape at the tip, as if it were an arrow. He was the youngest of the 4 cats he had at the time.

    Acá esta el otro miembro de la barra de los jovenes. Su nombre era Junior y era un precioso siamés que tenia una particularidad. La cola estaba partida, lo que hacia que tuviera una forma en la punta muy extraña, como si se tratara de una flecha. El era el menor de los 4 gatos que tenia en ese momento.


    Junior was Paco's ideal partner. They did everything together. They loved each other. Wherever Paco went, Junior went. And if Paco was fighting with one of my other cats, Junior would come to his defense. Here is one of the few times he was seen outside sunbathing. He also didn't go out much, he loved the house.

    Junior era el compañero ideal de Paco. Todo lo hacían juntos. Se amaban entre los dos. A donde iba Paco, iba Junior. Y si Paco estaba peleando con alguno de mis otros gatos, Junior salía en defensa de el. Acá una de las pocas veces que se lo vio afuera tomando sol. El era también de no salir mucho, le encantaba la casa.


    One of Paco's favorite pastimes was looking out the window. He loved to sit there and watch for hours at the little birds that perched in the garden to eat the breadcrumbs we left them.

    Uno de los pasatiempos preferidos de Paco era mirar por la ventana. A el le encantaba sentarse ahi y mirar por horas a los pajaritos que se posaban en el jardin a comer las migas de pan que les dejabamos.


    And this beauty was my grandmother's kitten. Yes, in addition to my 4 cats, I also received visits from this beautiful kitten and the reason was because I got along very well with her every time I visited my grandmother. As you can see in the photo, she barely saw me, she climbed on top of me looking for caresses. That's why when they came to visit us for our birthdays, this beauty also came to see me. 🤗

    Y esta preciosura era la gatita de mi abuela. Si, ademas de mis 4 gatos, tambien recibia la visita de esta hermosa gatita y el motivo era porque yo me llevaba muy bien con ella cada vez que visitaba a mi abuela. Ella como se puede ver en la foto, apenas me veia, se subia arriba mio en busca de caricias. Por eso cuando venían a visitarnos a nosotros por nuestros cumpleaños, también venia esta belleza a verme. 🤗

    Well friends, I love sharing memories of my animals. I carry them all in my heart and remember them with great joy.
    Greetings and be well!

    Bueno amigos, me encanta compartir recuerdos de mis animales. Los llevo en mi corazon a todos y los recuerdo con mucha alegría.
    Saludos y que estén bien!

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