Bradford Pear is Flowering - by Sunscape

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    As the Star Magnolia releases her beautiful white blooms, the Bradford Pear takes center stage in the gardenscape.


    There is something magical, in my opinion, with stark-white flowers against a bright blue sky. I admit, I love the Magnolia since she is the first to bloom in my yard, but, the Bradford Pear, oh my! I have a hard time deciding which is my favorite, perhaps it is both!


    Maybe it is the red centers of the flowers that I find so sweet, or that the tree has grown a considerable size and looks so impressive in full bloom.

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    As you can see, the blossoms form small clusters of delicate flowers.


    Every year I take photographs of the blossoms so I can continue to admire her beauty. I enjoy putting my photos as desktop images and changing them often.

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    I often wonder if others use their photos for desktop images like I do. It is a great way to continue enjoying nature's beauty, especially during the off-season.

    Even the center of the tree has great textural interest. Her branches are very close and prolific compared to other trees. I think this is why she looks so massive and beautiful.



    This was taken when the tree first started blooming and the picture below was taken two days ago.


    I will miss her blossoms when the leaves begin to emerge. I certainly brought life to the garden first thing this Spring. Now, the candytuft and daffodils are all doing the same together.


    To welcome back my dear friend @dswigle who has been on a long break, I must share a flower in her honor. There must always be a flower, right Denise? We have missed you terribly!

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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