Brawl Report #73 - Winning half of my fights

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Splinterland Brawls are a guild event where you can earn merits and SPS. This post serves as a way for me to review how my fights went and as a reminder to sign up for the next brawl. I have missed brawls in the past and it hurts when Gladius cards can now be used in ranked battles using the soulbound summoners. Rebellion has also changed the battles and I keep losing my fights recently. Last time, I didn't do so well and I didn't visit my guild to get the fights. It wasn't as great as last time but winning half my fights is still a win.

    Brawl Result

    I chose the gold foil modern brawl and got 4 wins. There were no guilds that didn't submit a guild in my position so I did get 8 fights in. After looking at things, I think I was given wins for the guilds that did not have a participant in my bracket. My rewards for the brawl were 2,810 merits and 43.555 SPS in the 4 star category. My guild ranked 9th place out of the 9 guilds there. I choose to take the gold foil modern brawl because my guild usually doesn't fill all their spots and I prefer to give my other guild members a chance at the brawls. We didn't rank that well this time around.

    Brawl fights

    There were 3 fights that I won, 1 won due to surrender, and 4 that I lost. So I included an idea of what the match was below along with a few thoughts about it.

    You can find the first match here. I lost this match and my opponent beat me using thorns and I couldn't do much with my entire lineup being melee-based.

    You can find the second match here. I won this match and I wasn't expecting the snare summoner. So my choice of using flying monsters did not work out that well but my Xenith Monk with heal survived long enough for me to win the match.

    You can find the third match here. I lost this match and I couldn't do much against my opponent. It took way too long for me to kill my opponent's monsters due to how scattered my damage was.

    You can find the fourth match here. I won this match and I wasn't expecting it. I thought I lost it based on the summoner and Coastal Sentry. However, I was able to survive long enough and demoralize managed to decrease the damage enough for me to survive using my Flesh Golem's heal and tank heal.

    You can find the fifth match here. I won this match because of my lineup and my damage. Coastal Sentry in the 2nd spot with reach made it deal quite a bit of damage and my opponent just couldn't deal enough damage.

    You can find the sixth match here. I lost this match and my opponent's bloodlust monsters just dealt too much damage. I couldn't do much against my opponent.

    You can find the seventh match here. I lost this match and I missed quite a few attacks. The summoner was probably a reason for it and my ranged monster also went down before my opponent's.


    I think doing 8 fights for 2,810 merits and 43.555 SPS is a good reward for the effort. I got a decent result by getting 4 wins but my guild didn't place so well. It's a bit unfortunate but they did remove a few inactive people and we are moving back down to 3-star brawls for a while until we get more active players.

    Are you taking part in Guild Brawls?

    Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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