in voilk •  14 days ago

    Friends?, what suppose to bring joy to some one?, now looks like it is bitter to once life.I have a daughter that is so dear to me that since she was born we always stays together, but for the period of primary and secondary school I never felt lonely because she gose and still return back the same day!, but it marvelled me, how she left since thursday this week?, I have not gotten myself Ok, life has being so hectic on me to the extent I don't feel like eating any thing.Rather every night I will battling with fever like a new born baby. Moral Leson; Is that, no matter how good the character of your child is,! Please don't put your mind on him or her so much, you should love your children but to a limit, that in his or her absent from you?! Hospital will not wellcome you for admission because of HBP is dangerious.

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