Soy mamá multifuncional ¿Y ustedes ?/I am a multifunctional mom, what about you?/ESP-ENG

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hola querida comunidad de motherhood es para mi un placer escribir nuevamente aqui, esperando estén bien paso para hablar de un tema muy en común.

    Ser mamá es una responsabilidad complicada, no solo implica dar a luz es tener mucha paciencia, organización, buscar el sustento de cada día, realizar todas las actividades que conlleva un hogar.Posiblemente muchos dirán ajá eso es muy fácil y muchas exageran, pero no solo hablo de la maternidad o su complejidad neta. Sino todo lo que con lleva el ser " mamá" no es traer un niño al mundo, y criar en una burbuja perfecta, no es tener un hijo darle comida, lo duermo y listo. Tenemos que ser como un todo en 1.
    Desde criar, amar, cuidar y cumplir con muchas labores que en magnitud, aunque sean pequeñas suman. Honestamente este jueves pasado tuve un día ATAREADO, agitado y aunque fue muy positivo muy agotador, sin sumar todas las diligencias de la semana. Desde muy temprano debía arreglar a mi hijo para ir al colegio, esperaba aprovechar mucho más la mañana pero me dicen en el colegio que el despacho era a las 10:00am bueno a correr!!! porque viene semana santa y todas las diligencias se retrasan. Necesitaba conseguir unas citas a Julián en los centros donde recibe terapias (luego les hablaré de este proceso).

    Hello dear motherhood community, it is a pleasure for me to write here again, hoping you are well on your way to talking about a very common topic.

    Being a mother is a complicated responsibility; it not only involves giving birth, but also having a lot of patience, organization, seeking daily sustenance, and carrying out all the activities that a home entails. Possibly many will say aha that that is very easy and many exaggerate, but I am not only talking about motherhood or its net complexity. But everything that comes with being a "mom" is not bringing a child into the world, and raising in a perfect bubble, it is not having a child, giving him food, putting him to sleep and that's it. We have to be like everything in 1.
    From raising, loving, caring and doing many jobs that in magnitude, even if they are small, add up. Honestly, this past Thursday I had a BUSY, hectic day, and although it was very positive, it was very exhausting, without adding up all the errands of the week. Very early I had to get my son ready to go to school, I was hoping to make the most of the morning but they told me at school that office was at 10:00am, good to run!!! because Easter is coming and all the errands are delayed. I needed to get Julián some appointments at the centers where he receives therapies (I will talk about this process later).

    Regrese a buena hora 🙂 hice unas compras mientras se hacía la hora para retirarlo del colegio, mi hijo solo quería que lo cargará para no caminar a casa, amo cargarlo y abrazarlo, pero en distancia esto me ha tomado un dolor del costado, si cedo me pedirá lo mismo todos los días. Por lo que tuve dentro del berrinche en media calle tuve que hacerle entender con paciencia, para calmarlo lo lleve a un jardín cerca de casa para que se relajará y olvidará todo, jugamos un rato y hasta allí bien.

    Come back at a good time 🙂 I did some shopping while it was time to pick him up from school, my son just wanted me to carry him so he wouldn't walk home, I love carrying him and hugging him, but from a distance this has caused me a pain in my side, if I give in He will ask me the same thing every day. Because of what I had during the tantrum in the middle of the street, I had to make him understand with patience, to calm him down I took him to a garden near the house so that he could relax and forget everything, we played for a while and until then it was fine.




    Llegamos a casa, tipo mediodía hora de almuerzo en ese proceso se va la luz y tanto por hacer. Toco asumir y distraer a Julián él solo se puso a colorear como en estos días le he enseñado al irse la luz, teniamos una cita para cortarle el pelo pero debíamos esperar que llegara la luz.
    Almorzamos y jugamos un rato al llegar la luz nos vamos a la barbería nos fue genial, ya que él le tiene miedo a las máquinas de afeitar y se dejó hacer todo con tranquilidad.

    We arrived home, around noon, lunch time, in that process the power went out and there was so much to do. I had to take over and distract Julián, he just started coloring as I have taught him these days when the light went out, we had an appointment to cut his hair but we had to wait for the light to arrive.
    We had lunch and played for a while when the light came on we went to the barbershop it was great, since he is afraid of razors and he let everything be done calmly.



    Luego nos fuimos a casa y debí salir a las 6:30pm a comprar ingredientes de mi emprendimiento, regrese a casa y ya Julián estaba durmiendo con mi mamá.
    Luego me tocó hacer mi cena, hacer los ponquesitos que tenía encargo, mientras se horneaban metí a lavar una ropa para aprovechar el agua (estamos en Venezuela y aqui es como dice George Harry no te da tiempo para aburrirte) al mismo tiempo puse a hacer unas cotufas para el compartir del colegio, Julián tendría una piscinada antes de salir de vacaciones de semana santa. Hora aún sin descansar 1:30am.
    Somos multifuncionales, somos increíblemente fuertes, no sé de dónde puedo sacar energía para tantas cosas a la vez. Las mamás somos capaces de ser nuestra propia, secretaria, nuestra propia señora de limpieza, de ser cocinera, psicólogo, esposa, personal de logística, somos nuestra propia gerente.





    Then we went home and I had to go out at 6:30pm to buy ingredients for my business. I returned home and Julián was already sleeping with my mother.
    Then I had to make my dinner, make the pancakes that I had ordered, while they were baking I went to wash some clothes to use the water (we are in Venezuela and here, as George Harry says, you don't have time to get bored) at the same time I started making some cotufas to share at school, Julián would have a swim before leaving for the Easter holidays. Time still without rest 1:30am.
    We are multifunctional, we are incredibly strong, I don't know where I can get energy for so many things at once. We mothers are capable of being our own secretary, our own cleaning lady, being a cook, psychologist, wife, logistics staff, we are our own manager.

    Tocó dormirme a las 2:00 AM y Wao 4:00am mi hijo despierta con ganas de hacer sus necesidades básicas, 7:00am despiertos para las actividades del colegio, mi mente como zombie y solo me decía "Olvidaste hacer el cartel para la charla del agua" 😭😭😭 ¿Dios que hago?. Conseguí una cartulina reciclada que tenía y realice en un sencillo cartel para cumplir como corresponde. Nos arreglamos le hice desayuno y nos fuimos al colegio, él a la charla yo a la reunión de entrega de boletín.
    "Me sentía muy agotada honestamente" que solo alcance a tomar el café. 💥🥱
    Le doy gracias a Dios 🙌 por darme la paciencia y la fuerza. En todos estos procesos como mamá, hija, esposa, emprendedora, por apoyar a mi hijo en sus rutinas de terapias fuera y desde casa.

    I had to go to sleep at 2:00 AM and Wow 4:00 am my son wakes up wanting to do his basic needs, 7:00 am awake for school activities, my mind like a zombie and it only told me "You forgot to make the poster for the talk of water" 😭😭😭 God, what do I do? I got some recycled cardboard that I had and made a simple poster to comply accordingly. We got ready, I made him breakfast and we went to school, he to the talk and I to the newsletter delivery meeting.
    "I honestly felt so exhausted" that I only managed to drink the coffee. 💥
    I thank God 🙌 for giving me patience and strength. In all these processes as a mother, daughter, wife, entrepreneur, for supporting my son in his therapy routines outside and from home.




    La conclusión de toda esta historia es como podemos ser tan multifuncional pero aunque es agotador hay que disfrutar el proceso, pero sabemos que no somos de hierro y sinceramente es necesario pausar, pero las circunstancias a veces te obligan a ir a un ritmo acelerado, aunque me gusta estar activa en constante movimiento, considero que no siempre debe ser asi , en este momento mi esposo no puede estar presente espero vuelva pronto🙏, nosotras las mamás no tenos chance de descansar, siempre tenemos algo que hacer y muchas veces todo esto no es reconocido pero la mayor felicidad sin duda es que tengamos salud y ver a nuestros hijos sonreír y amarnos todos los días.
    Y tú mamita ¿Eres multifuncional? Comparte tu experiencia de un día agitado.



    The conclusion of this whole story is how we can be so multifunctional but although it is exhausting we have to enjoy the process, but we know that we are not made of iron and honestly it is necessary to pause, but circumstances sometimes force you to go at an accelerated pace, although I like to be active in constant movement, I believe that it should not always be like this, at this moment my husband cannot be present I hope he returns soon🙏, we mothers do not have the chance to rest, we always have something to do and many times all this is not It is recognized but the greatest happiness without a doubt is that we are healthy and see our children smile and love us every day.

    And you, mom, are you multifunctional? Share your experience of a hectic day.

    El texto es original de mi autoría, las fotos las tomé con mi celular Xiaomi T11 y la traducción realizada por Google.
    The text is my original authorship, the photos were taken with my Xiaomi T11 cell phone and the translation was done by Google.


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