I would have grown if I had started earlier. Reflection mood. Kiss 101

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Reflecting on your life this time last year, in what way have you grown? What were your reasons and contributing factors?

    Hmmm! This question got me thinking as to how far I have grown compared to last year. This time last year, I was still contemplating whether to advance in my career or I should concentrate more on business, something that can fetch me additional income.

    Alone in my thoughts

    As a teacher earning peanuts as a salary coupled with the country's economic downfall. I needed to add something extra to my income if not, to live and survive would be hard because salaries are not increasing and things are grossly increasing daily. What do I do? Will I remain on a spot?

    With this reasoning, I decided to take some significant growth in every aspect of my life. I started first with my career, if I can advance in my career, getting a side job won't be difficult. I pushed in for a programming language. I took the initiative to seek out new opportunities and challenge myself in ways that I hadn't before.

    One of the learning days

    When I was in school, I hated having programming languages as a course, what I did was to read and pass my exam. Then, I saw people into coding, Java, and others because there was no passion for it. To me, it's somehow stressful with the way our lecturers taught us. On second thought, I put in for a coding class and I found it interesting compared to how we were taught in school. I added coding certification to my career. Thank God, I made the step to push further.

    This time last year, I was introduced to Hive but I refused to join because when I heard it has to do with writing real stories and the like, I was lost in thought as I didn't know where the source of the stories would be coming from but later I took the courage to start anyhow. Upon starting, I still didn't get engaged like some of my colleagues who were introduced along the line with me. The decision to finally join and engage myself fully was driven by my desire for personal growth and development, as well as a need for additional income.

    At first, it was tough writing posts and engaging myself but this year with a new year resolution, I became fully engaged and the result is overwhelming. Thanks to @vickoly for bringing and dragging me to Hive.

    After my full engagement this year on Hive, I saw the result and my growth on the Hive gave me lighthearted joy that I have grown 🤣

    In my personal life, I have also grown by practicing self-improvement. I have made a conscious effort to pursue healthier habits, such as regular exercise, and eating a balanced diet as I don't want to joke with my health which can hurt my total well-being. I have also planned on fostering my relationships with the good people around me who genuinely love me and to cub excessive friends who are not helping me grow. **This is 2024, I refuse to remain stagnant **👌

    What are the contributing factors?

    The contributing factors to my growth over the last year have been as a result of my commitment, determination, self-consciousness, positive change, and a willingness to explore the world around me and to change my level and status. So far, life itself is a risk, going out of my comfort zone to aim higher to develop myself and advance professionally has led to a greater sense of achievement and fulfillment in my life.


    All images are mine.

    Thank you for reading my post. Looking forward to reading your comments. One 💕

    Yours truly @flourishandflora💕💕💕

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