I Must Be Silver

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I Can No Longer Deny I Am Old ..

    But I do like the term Silver better .. I see the differences in the generations everyday. At the store, at Sunday dinners with the family or friends, at work and even on TV. I have entered my Silver Years and am slowly learning to accept that as a good thing. I still have some living to do and some silver to stack.

    Speaking of silver to stack, check out that photo above.. My very first silver piece - A Silver Relic! Like me.. A Relic!!! hehehe.. Obviously I am joking. I placed that 1 oz Monarch Egyptian Relic Silver Bar on top of that photo to look like I was holding it. I guess the fact that I think I need to explain that makes me old.


    See.. I am not holding a silver bar .. But rather a round plastic ball toy. If I remember right, it had yellow shapes you had to fit into the same shaped slots on the side of the ball. Then the whole thing would pull apart and dump out the pieces so you could have fun fitting them in again. Fun, fun, fun! It was fun, but then again I was 11 months old and it was December of 1975.. No Smart devices.


    What do you think of the silver bar? I only bought one of them a long while ago. I paid about $20.00 USD at the time and now I see these for roughly $40.00 on eBay and Etsy. Should have picked up a few more, but then again.. an ounce of silver is an ounce of silver. The cheaper you can get it the better I suppose. At least when it comes to general stacking.



    It has a nice feel to it. Nice and shinny and a bit chunky too. Cool design as well.

    Pepper's Sympathy Orchid ..


    The Orchid is in full bloom now.. The last of the 7 flowers opened a few days ago. We are just loving it! Even though the flowers are white, they are beautiful and remind of us Pepper. That's the best part.. We really miss that little fella. He would have been on my lap right now as I am typing this post. That's one of the big things we miss about him. He LOVED to snuggle up with you. Molly was a more stand off, close by but not on top of you, kind of pup. Pepper was full on in your business. He lover to get picked up off the floor.


    The Thanksgiving Cactus is also in bloom .. It started producing another round of buds a few weeks ago, and not a few of them are starting to open up. I moved it to the center of our breakfast table, near the kitchen. We can appreciate those blooms more there then where it was placed before. Furthermore we needed the room. After our most recent trip to the Orchid farm, we had to locate some more sunny spots.. more about that in another post. Time for another Orchid Update post SOON I think. Very exciting stuff.

    Don't Deny That Silver Feeling ..


    I guess that's the point of my ramble tonight.. Not to deny my feelings, and all of those things that drift through my head about being in my silver years. Those I've lost. The memories I've gained. The wisdom.. The would haves, could haves, should haves. The Love of my life aging more beautifully than myself. We've seen a lot so far. We are truly blessed to have had those wonderful furbabies, those years of bliss and those sad times that brought us closer together. The years go by so fast.. but we did enjoy them all.

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    As my 50th year quickly approaches, I can't help to reassess where I've been, where I am going, and what's changing around me as I age. Dare I say that I am looking forward to more?

    More Silver ..

    Not That Bad Of A Color

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    Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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    All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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