5 Minute Freewrite: ear brush

in voilk •  16 days ago

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    Ear brush. Ear brush. Ear brush makes me think of a brush to clean ears and that feels a little ick to me. I guess because ear wax should stay in ears. Right? Like, do you know that you really shouldn't use Q-Tips? Hopefully you know that already and if you didn't, now you do. Look it up. It's true. Your ear wax should stay in your ears. Trying to "clean" your ears is more likely to cause wax to become impacted than to actually clean them. Your ear wax has a job. All you need to do to clean your ears is use some soap and water when you bathe. So there you go. So many things we do that aren't really the best for us. So many false notions of what is clean, what is good, what is moral, what is "right" as if there is a clear right and wrong. I mean. There are some obvious wrongs. Don't harm others. Don't harm yourself. But you can masturbate, that's not wrong. But some would say it is, many Christians would say it is. I'm reading James Joyce, as I've said, I think, and Stephen is so ashamed for having masturbated (and for having visited prostitutes, which is more complicated regarding the question of right and wrong), but that was the Catholic voice inside him telling him it was wrong. So much of Christianity would have you believe that many things that feel right and natural or simply are the way they are, are wrong. And I'm so sick of that dictating so much of our lives. I do still have bitterness in my heart towards Christianity.

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