in voilk •  3 months ago

    “I’ll never leave, You’re all I’ll ever need”
    This words and more might have lost essence
    Who do you stay to fight for right now?
    whom you say this words to right now
    Is not the same you told the last time and might not be the last , It’s the fact
    Same words different persons
    You say it’s cos the last person just didn’t get them? Made mistakes and learnt no lessons
    Claiming they changed and so you moved to the next person to teach them a lesson
    Foolish! why go for a different person because your lover has become a different person?
    Change is constant
    You’ll keep walking out what you can’t stand……..Take a sit, not flight
    You never get the same person twice
    You know you changed too, but never blamed you
    But claimed you stayed the same,even in change and remained true
    You want to be accepted for your multi personality
    But acceptance of other persons can’t be it?
    Cos the slightest changes scrammed the switch?
    Accept the fact that with growth comes changes
    And our diverse areas of change ranges
    Strange how people we thought we knew
    could someday become strangers, renewed
    then we decide to leave them for that reason
    only to go sort connection with another stranger at every changing season
    Accept the beauty that comes with change and stay
    there’s no point changing lovers for changing!

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