Confront your fears by taking Calculated Risks

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Fear is a feeling that is present in all humans but some people know how to control their fears better than others...

    Being able to deal with our fears requires courage. Many things cause fear in humans. Some people are scared of poverty, some are scared of death and so many more but what is my greatest fear in life?


    It is the fear of the Unknown

    I am someone who does not like to be caught off guard so often I make plans ahead, whenever I want to venture into anything, I always think about the problems that may arise when I am doing that thing and figure out a way to tackle them.

    People would often question me why I love to think about negative things and my response to their question is, nothing lasts forever, we have good and bad times and we must learn to deal with both...Life can't always be rosy and once you know that, you won't feel that bad when things don't go the way you planned them.


    A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me why I don't lament like the others that I am broke, I told him that he who fails to plan, plans to fail, I don't lament because I do not allow my bank account to enter the red zone before I comport myself and limit the spending, the moment I realized that the money in there can only last me for 3 months, I cut off every other expense until I earn more, unlike some people that would use their last card to buy clothes or other materialistic things.

    One of the moments I had to face my fears was when I wanted to obtain my first loan, based on the things I have heard about loans and how people were not able to pay back which resulted in them losing their collateral, I never thought I would collect one in my life but it happens that I saw an opportunity which I did not want to miss and the only way to get it done is to obtain a loan.


    I spent days thinking about whether I should go for the loan or not but when my mind was on something, I felt miserable if I was not able to achieve it so the other part of me won and I courageously obtained the loan.

    I had no peace of mind because I kept thinking what if things go wrong and I was unable to pay back the loan, all these negative thoughts pushed me to the limit and made me work harder and I rushed to pay back the loan... I paid back a loan that was to be due in 6 months back within 4 months, that was how scared I was.

    That event turned out to be a stepping stone for me and It also helped me to get rid of the fear of loans because I stopped getting scared of getting loans when I needed it and it has helped me a great deal of time without numbers.

    Life itself is risk and all the great and successful people you see have taken one risk or the other to be in the position they are today, so never let your fears stop you from making it in life...

    Overcome your fears by taking calculated risks!

    Just call me Burl.

    I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

    Discord: burlarj#8326
    Twitter id: burlarj1
    Telegram: burlarj
    God exists, I am a living testimony
    Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
    Don't wish for it, Make it happen

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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