My Actifit Report Card: April 23 2024💤 New Sleep Habits / 新しい睡眠の習慣

in voilk •  3 months ago



    In early April, I was not feeling well, perhaps because of the weather or lack of sleep. I have always had headaches on rainy days and during the change of seasons, but this year it has been terrible…

    However, I had a pretty good idea what the cause was. I use my computer and smartphone too much.

    I used to use them a lot during the day and also at night. I would fall asleep scrolling through my phone in bed, looking at X, HIVE, Discord, etc. After repeating this several times, I would fall asleep before I knew it. I've heard that looking at a PC or smartphone screen until just before going to sleep makes your eyes dim and you can't sleep, but in my case, it didn't happen that way, and I was spending my days falling asleep with my smartphone in hand, which was rather convenient since I would fall asleep right away. Well, obviously, it's a bad habit.

    I knew that I somehow felt that I was not rested both physically and mentally. So I decided not to bring my phone into my bedroom, and I have been following that rule for the past week or so.

    I thought about leaving my phone at my feet when I sleep so I don't have to look at it, but I still touch it when it is within reach. When there is a vibration, I want to check it even if I know it is an unimportant notification for apps. So at night, I decided to sleep with my phone in another room, out of my reach and out of the reach of the vibrations from my phone.

    At first I felt somewhat uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do until I fell asleep... I had a feeling of being out of touch that I hadn't felt in a long time! The first couple of days, it probably took me an hour or more to fall asleep. I didn't look at the time, so it was just a feeling. Still, by cutting out the digital at an earlier time and getting under the covers, I felt a little more refreshed the next morning.

    Interestingly, I have also started to dream (or remember it) more frequently. Lately, I have rarely dreamed, or if I did, I couldn't remember them, but for the past week, I have been dreaming every night. In terms of sleep quality, I don't know whether it is better to dream or not to dream... But there is that feeling of going to another world and coming back to it when I dream. Lately I'm kinda liking that.

    Compared to not dreaming or not remembering them, I feel like there is a strange "resetting" feeling. I also often have unexpected dreams, and sometimes I notice thoughts about myself that I wasn't aware of during the day, which is interesting.

    I used to use the alarm on my phone as an alarm clock. Now I have a radio-controlled clock that I bought a few years ago that I put under my pillow to get it working again. Even with this method, I still feel sleepy if I go to bed after midnight, so I would like to adjust my schedule so that I can go to bed by 10:00 p.m. as much as possible.




    日中はもちろん、夜も布団の中でスマホをスクロールしながらそのまま寝落ちする、という感じ。Xを見たり、HIVEを見たりDiscord覗いたり、ポイ活したり… それを何度か繰り返しているうちに、いつの間にか眠りについているのでした。寝る直前までPCやスマホ画面を見ていると目が冴えて眠れなくなるなんて話も聞きますが、私の場合はそんなこともなく、むしろすぐに眠くなるので好都合とばかりにスマホ片手に寝落ちする日々を送っていました。



    最初は何だか違和感がありました。寝つくまで、何をしたらいいのか分からない(別に何もしなくていいんだろうけど)… 久しく感じていなかった手持ち無沙汰感!最初の2〜3日は、眠れるまでに1時間以上かかったのではないかと思います。時間は見ていないので、体感ではありますが。それでも早めの時間帯にデジタル断ちして布団に入ることで、翌朝の目覚めが少しスッキリしたのを感じました。

    また面白いことに、頻繁に夢を見るように(or 憶えていられるように)なりました。最近、ほとんど夢を見なかったか、見ても憶えていなかったのが、ここ一週間は毎晩のように夢を見るようになったのです。睡眠の質的には、夢は見たほうがいいのか、見ない方がいいのか… どちらが良いのかは分かりません。でも夢を見た時の、あの別世界に行って戻ってくるような感覚が、最近はちょっと気に入っていたりします。



    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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