A Perilious Journey

in voilk •  4 months ago


    A contest by @freewritehouse and @wakeupkitty

    What I See
    A man riding down very fast on a mountain. And birds flying as fast as they can from the cloudy area.

    What I Feel
    The man on the bike went on a determined trip to the mountaintop and tried to outrun the impending danger.

    The Story
    Once upon a time, there was a young man named Carl, who had always lived with pain and suffering. The only good life he remembered having was when he was a biker, but unfortunately, he had an accident while biking where he fractured his skull and had to stop. Fate has never for once smiled upon him.

    He lives in a small farm, where he has been managing to survive and put food in his mouth.

    And one day he started a conversation with one of the farm workers, an aged man. Carl lamented the kind of life he has been living and how tiring and frustrating it is to live like that as a man. He had no hope.

    The old man laughed and said to him that destiny can never be changed, he told Carl that if he's destined to be in a better position, he would, and if not, his life would remain the same.

    The old man said "Carl, look at the mountains around us, you can see how high they are as if they're touching the skies. Do you think anyone can get to the peak?" Carl answered no.

    Son, said the aged man, if you can try, your fate might finally smile upon you, that's if going there won't be a suicide mission. Even the cold will kill you before you get halfway. But it's worth it if anyone manages to get to the peak.

    Carl asked the old man what's on the peak of the mountains and the man replied "According to history, many archeologists have tried to get to the peak of the mountain in search of a precious stone that is worth a fortune, but none has been successful." Up there are stones that can change your life forever, but who dares to reach them?

    Carl left the old man, pondering over everything they discussed, looking at the mountains all day and night.

    Suddenly, Carl summoned the courage to embark on the journey to the mountain peak. Knowing he may not make it back, but has given up on himself for being so unfortunate and sees that trip as his last try and the only way out of his pathetic situation.

    The only asset Carl had was a bicycle, his helmet, and some kits. That morning, he mounted his bicycle and took off to the mountain.

    He was so desperate and determined and endured the pain and stress of climbing the mountain with his bicycle.

    While journeying through the mountain, he got so tired and decided to rest to continue his journey the next day as it was already getting dark. He slept in the cold mountain.

    He woke up and was still so determined to get to the peak of the mountain. Has he was moving close to the mountaintop, everything started getting freezing cold. But Carl was without hesitation because he already saw it as a suicide mission and a last resort.

    Carl managed to get to the mountaintop despite being so weak and tired, He dug every inch of the mountaintop till he saw what he was told was there. Truly, it was stones that would cost a fortune.

    He packed as many as he could in a purse and immediately, he fled. suddenly, it looked as if the mountain got angry with what he took from it, it was as if the ice was coming down from the sky, and everything the ice touched was freezing on the spot.

    He has his fortune in his hand after so many years of suffering, and at the same time, he saw his death so close to him.

    He was about to give up, knowing the ice would catch up with him at the pace it was moving, but he said, "I have to survive, I can't come this far and give up, at least I have to try." He rode the bicycle very fast as if it had a car engine.

    As he rode down the mountain, Carl took out the purse from his pocket and clutched the purse to his pants to keep it safe. He kept moving relentlessly until he outran the ice.

    He was grateful for the gift God had bestowed upon him. Because he knew, it was only a miracle for him to have survived such a perilous journey.

    Though he had faced danger and peril on his journey, he knew that it was all worth it in the end.

    Sometimes going the extra mile and taking risks is the only way to achieve your dreams.

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