5 minute freewrite 2320 prompt frame it

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2320 prompt frame it hosted by @mariannewest


    I have many memories that I wish I could freeze time and relive. He is now 18 and I do not see him very often. When the grandchildren are young, they want to spend time with their grandparents but now, I rarely see any of them.

    Since my children have grown up and had kids of their own, most of my favorite memories were spent with my grandkids. I knew my children grew too fast but did not think the same would happen with my grandchildren, I think the time with them went faster than their parents. One memory we went to a park and I taught them to throw a cast net to catch their bait so they could catch a fish. now this one is 21 and she is the one I see the most, I think this is because I have been keeping her dog for her and she brings it food and visits.

    They used to come to our house every Thanksgiving and Christmas, but no longer do this.
    We now go to their homes to see them for both, I wonder if this happens to other families. The one lying on the floor is now 13, the next row from left to right they are now 18, 21, and 16 the one in the back right is 33, and there are 3 more that are not pictured, they are now 18,7 and 2.

    Even though I love my grandkids dearly, the moment in time that I wish I could stop and frame it would be this day. My mother asked if I wanted to sit outside and talk. We went outside and she started telling me her wishes if something was to happen to her. I thought this was odd and looking back on it, I now wonder if she knew something was wrong. if she had said something I would have insisted she go to the doctor,3 days later she had a major stroke and one year later she was gone.


    This is another time that I wish I could frame in time before things changed and back when her mind was clear, she was the type of person that everyone loved to be around she was always happy and it did not matter what I wanted to do, she was for it, fishing, camping, or even helping me remodel her sister's kitchen, she was always there with me.
    After 6 years of being away, she is home but stays isolated from me. She stays in her spot,the laundry room hallway, I have 2 empty rooms but she will not move into one of them. only getting up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. She will talk to me but sometimes she makes no sense. I do not know how to help her and she will not see someone who could help.

    I do not care to frame this time, it is when my sisters and I got nose rings and had fun teasing the young man who put them in, but it is not a time that is as important as the others. It was a time when we all got along and the best I can do with this picture is to frame it and leave it in the past. BTW I could not stand the ring in my nose so it did not last long.

    All photos are mine

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