24" Curved LED Monitor Review [English]

in voilk •  3 months ago



    I am going to type up a review of this monitor I bought from HSN. I suggest getting a second monitor for many reasons

    • if you're editing a video, and wanna know how to use a feature in your editor, it's easier to follow along having the tutorial on a second monitor
    • when I am gaming on PC, it's easier to monitor my OBS by having the game on the monitor and OBS on the laptop, or if I am streaming, game on a monitor, Twitch studio on the laptop
    • I used my TV as a monitor. having the TV too close to my eyes started irritating them
    • when I am playing a game, I can see better at night (in the game of course)

    This was easy to set up. There is a button at the back I had to use to adjust the brightness. I had to turn the button a certain way. having a remote to adjust the settings would be way better. I had to turn off the sound on the monitor since I would be using my laptop. I also game on PS4. All I do is plug my Elgago into the monitor.
    Other than that I enjoy using this monitor


    Here I was playing Robblox while posting blogging content on Hive and such.
    All you need is an HDMI cable and hook it up to your computer (if you want a wireless display, you may need a monitor that supports it. (if there is a such thing)
    an HDMI cable came with the monitor.

    Before I got this monitor, it was hard to monitor my recordings/streams, in order to make sure nothing went wrong. example, running out of space on a flash drive and the recorder stops, crashing, lag n streams, etc. I always missed people's messages on Twitch, they assumed I was ignoring them and left (the TV had to be farther away so I wouldn't hurt my eyes)
    The monitor is right in front of me, better for my eyes, and I can catch things quicker, see better when I am gaming, and follow tutorials easier (before I had to pull the video up on my tablet or keep pausing the video)

    If you are a content creator, editor, etc. I strongly suggest a second monitor to make it so much easier. I can see better and even catch mistakes on the bigger monitor vs the small laptop screen. If you're a multi-tasker, this especially will make it even easier for you

    I hope you enjoyed this review. Please note that I do not speak Spanish so I could not check the rules to see what's allowed or certain things my reviews must have.

    You can support my work on kofi
    I will post more reviews when I can! You don't have to get THIS monitor, get whichever makes you happy, this review is to show why you should consider getting one!

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