Focusing is difficult

in voilk •  2 months ago


    It's been difficult lately to pick a lane and focus, financially speaking. I want to do more things than I'm able to fund, which I'm sure is relatable for most folks.

    First, and foremost of course, is HIVE itself.

    Despite being in the process of a powerdown, I am still striving to stack as much HIVE and HBD as I can. I want to return to 10k+ HIVE as quickly as possible, but I also recognize that right now... doing a powerdown and moving it into BTC is a little easier on me for taxes long-term. Living in Canada, we don't have any good way to get HIVE on and off the chain, so I'm having to use SimpleSwap since no actual exchange that I can use lists us, which is a mess.

    I know some folks are working on the base requirements to get more listings, so I think in the future it's going to be a lot easier to move funds into HIVE. I dumped a fair amount of fiat into HIVE back when Binance and Bittrex were offered here, and I'm quite sure I'll do so again once we have a reasonable way to do so again.

    Secondly, there's Bitcoin.

    As eluded to, I'm trying to snag what btc I can right now while I have the ability. I'm likely never going to be a whole-coiner, but hey - anything is probably better than most folks will have. I've been trying to dump what I can into this but it's been difficult. Inflation here in Canada has not been great, and we're getting new taxes all the time it seems like (thanks government), so a lot of my salary goes to just surviving comfortably.

    Which brings me to debt.

    It's been a rough few years. Multiple surgeries, several larger repairs, and such has kept my debt higher than I'd like. I'm working hard to pay that off as quickly as possible. It's not much, around $11,000 total, and I'm able to dump quite a bit on it, so I suspect I'll have it paid off by the end of the year if all goes well.

    With that said however, we're about to have another kid, and there's no way three carseats are going to fit into a Chevy Cruz. Used vehicles are attrociously expensive up here, so I'm sure some additional debt will be incurred there. It will mean a year of my wife being home however and us not paying daycare costs, which is about $18,000/year... so that's significant.

    All together though this does leave me with 3 places I want to put money aggressively, and fewer funds than I'd like to achieve that. Of course, the first order of business is just tackling the higher-interest cc/line of credit debt, as those cost me in interest per month.

    It also leaves me trying to think of ways to bring in just a bit more per month. I have a decent salary - just shy of six figures, but it only goes so far and I'm impatient. I don't want to have to take a long time to pay off debt, stack sats, and stack hive. I want to do it all right now. Immediately.

    This is of course impossible, and I need to temper my expectations - but it's difficult when there's a lot to be excited about and a lot of stuff I want to do for my own financial future. While I try to keep myself realistic, the best path is to simply keep working on what I can and stacking what I can. I have to trust that everything will work itself out as it should.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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