Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1220)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    The weather takes a dive, Snoozing the day away, Cleaning out the cabin & Some general irritability!

    Alright, I am more or less on time this evening with my writing routine... given that I am starting it a whole five minutes after my designated start time. I could have started about a half an hour ago... but decided to zone out some, sip some espresso... and do a little reading online before diving in here.

    Last night I zonked out early once again... and although I had some rather weird dreams I at least slept deeply... and found myself wide awake well before sunrise. In hindsight, I should have gotten out of bed then and made some espresso... but instead I pulled the blanket over me tighter, snuggled up to my boy dog... and let myself drift back off to sleep.

    When I awoke again later (and actually got up and about) I could not for the life of me get warm... and wound up drifting off to sleep again after doing a wee bit of my Hive engagement routine. Honestly, much of my day was like that (where I fell asleep for a time and got up again) and each time I would go outside hoping that things had warmed up... but finding they had not I would retreat back to the cabin.

    All in all, it made for a very strange day full of dreams and lots of groggy thinking... and eventually (late in the afternoon) I got so fed up with the cold that I went and retrieved the recirculating oil heater from the solar shack... so that I could warm the cabin up. Of course, as soon as the place began to get warm I drifted off to sleep for a final time... and wound up sleeping most of the afternoon away.

    By the last time that I awoke, I only had about four hours of daylight left so I decided to put it to good use... and got all the dog bedding and the rug pulled out of the cabin... so that I could mop the floor again. Per usual my elder dog had made a bit of a mess... and at this point I think that I am going to look into either getting her some kind of diapers... or even those highly absorbent pads to lay on the floor.

    Anyways, I have no idea why I was so 'low energy' today... but it might have to do with my body adjusting to eating a lot more food. It could also just be that I am really exhausted (both mentally and physically) given all the stuff that I have been doing... along with tirelessly trying to wrap my head around the move and the new place.

    As I have said before, I really do not 'unsettle' from a place all that easily... and am way more proficient at 'settling into' a new scenario. Deep down it just frigging bugs me to no end that I have to uproot my life again, lose all the comfort and/or conveniences that I have established... and of course get all my precious routines either skewed... or entirely broken along the way.

    Well, I do not have much else to report for today... and am once again not quite feeling like spelling things out. I hope that everyone is doing well... and capable of overcoming whatever challenges they are facing. Ta ta for now.

    It was a cold but pretty day.

    Thanks for reading!

    Please check out the Homesteading Community!

    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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