
in voilk •  4 months ago

    My heart is racing with speed right now in utmost gear
    Your soft whispers in my ears, in my dreams, everyday I want to hear
    Tomorrow has no hold on me because with your love I have nothing to fear
    You are my inspiration, my endless release, my addition and my sweet jeer
    I cherish you even more than life itself or one of my favourite fruits, the pear
    Oh, I keep counting down and not long before in my arms, with you I will hold near
    And with you and through you, my popsicle, beautiful children I will rear, yes rear
    Ofcourse, I know we are super humans and not deer
    I think I am high on you and I don't even drink beer
    I love you to the moon back and forth my sweet fluffy bear
    Special, that's what I call you and to me, you are
    You filled my heart with so much gladness and the soul with care
    Oh with you, there is nobody that comes close and I couldn't dare
    You gave me courage to move ahead and I know no fear
    I could rip open my heart and lay it all bare, for you, my dear
    Gladly laid bare and open, still beating for you with not a single tear
    Because you love me more too, just like a lady loves her teddy bear

    They say that love is a feeling you feel when you feel you are feeling a feeling like you have never felt before. True love indeed have no class barrier. Love is such a beautiful thing that no one can ever deny no matter how it is conceived.

    I have seen people fall in love in the library...some in Church, some even in a mall...for some it is a simple glance in unconventional places but the one I noticed last were two young people who fell in love at the zoo...and the hippopotamus is my witness hahahaha.

    Thank you for your time.

    My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

    Still me,

    My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

    Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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