Under the Sombre Skies: A Dual Terrain Trek to 10k Steps

in voilk •  5 months ago

    As the day unfolded, a blanket of clouds stretched across the sky, painting a monochrome masterpiece that promised a tale of two walks. The first chapter was set outdoors, under a dramatic sky, where the air was as crisp as the sound of my footsteps against the path. There, I began my journey to conquer 10,000 steps, with the world reflecting in the still waters beside me, a mirror to my thoughts.

    But not all tales are sung under the sun. Today’s narrative had a twist; a domestic duty called—internet issues, the modern Achilles’ heel. So, indoors I retreated, to the faithful hum of my treadmill. There, step by step, I marched towards the 8km mark, each step a drumbeat, each mile a victory.

    The outdoors offered a feast for the eyes, a photographer’s dream, albeit sans golden hour glow. Yet the indoor leg, it was a different kind of feast—an introspective banquet, where the mind dined on thoughts while the body worked up a sweat.

    By the day’s end, the mission was complete. 10,000 steps. 8 kilometers. A mix of nature’s unpredictability and technology’s reliability. And while the sun decided to play coy, my commitment stood bold and bright against the gathering dusk.

    In this tale of two walks, every step was a note in a symphony of persistence, every kilometer a stroke in a portrait of progress. And as the stars took their night shift, I signed off, content with the day’s dual odyssey. #FitnessTales #StepByStepNarrative

    Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
    All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

    Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

    Feel free to follow me on Instagram too! instagram.com/bjornbeheydt

    Join me in my steps on:

    Coin | Sweat | Step’n | Actifit

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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