A dangerous joke

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In 2016, my only aim was to pass my Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (Jamb) exam and gain admission into the university of my dreams. In my country, if you don't pass the jamb exam, then you have a very low chance of gaining admission into the university.


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    After I wrote my exam, I was expecting my result. One of the best parts of technological advances is that we no longer have to go to the cafe to check our results; we would get the results via SMS text. So what my siblings did was that they changed my big sister's name to "JAMB" on my phone and copied similar messages from people who had gotten their results, then sent me a message saying
    "This is your result for the just concluded jamb exam."
    English: 60
    Literature in English: 70
    Mathematics: 45
    Government: 72
    Total: 247

    I'm sure people who had done jamb would understand how happy I was when I saw that result. After the jamb exam, most people got scores like 187, 199, or 200; the highest in most places is 210. So when I saw the total score of 247, I was so happy that I started jubilating. I immediately called my siblings and my parents. I notice my siblings smiling sheeplessly, but the joy within me refuses to think otherwise.

    Shortly after, I got another message from Jamb saying, "April Fool, this is your aunt." My joy became sadness immediately. There was nothing I could do for her but plan my revenge. I started the plan of my revenge shortly after I got the text message, but before I could execute it, I got another message from Jamb, which I had to confirm if it was from the previous number, but it wasn't, and this time my total score was 300. I started doubting the score because I'm not sure I was able to get such a high score. I should have checked the number; I should have, but I didn't. I went ahead to be happy, only for me to see Jamb calling me. I was shocked to see why I would get a call from Jamb; was my score that high? I picked up the call, only for me to hear my little sister screaming "April Fool" again on the phone. It was that time I gave up on revenge and just had to beg them to stop.

    Posted using Neoxian City

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