Celebrating Life / Facing Challenges

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We celebrated my youngest daughters seventh birthday today. She won't official turn 7 until just before 3 a.m, but today was the best day for a party. The party took place, at her favourite place, a wild place, near the river. I took a lot of delight, in hearing one of the kids declare, how they felt like they were in the jungle. Delight that my youngest feels at home in such a place and that she wanted to share it with her friends. Ti get there, we had to cross the open field in front of the land. Then down a lane way, next to a house, which eventually led us to the river.


    Then we cut through some overgrown canar (similar to bamboo), easy for the kids, slightly more challenging for the grown ups, but all part of the adventure. On the underside of this windy tunnel of canar, was an opening. Green green grass, lots of trees and the sound of the river gushing nearby. We had arrived. As the mama's ( 4 of us) set up the blankets and food, the kids went to the river to cool down. Food, good company and all the kids happy playing in the river. Hearing them, roaring with laughter, I felt such joy.


    Oh how I treasure these moments. These wonderful experiences that I have. With my girls, with my friends, with life itself. Especially as I face this challenging time in my life. How life can thrown you these moments of joy, in amongst the chaos.


    Seven years ago, I birthed this wonderful being earthside. By myself, in a caravan, where my eldest daughter now claims as her own. An experience, that changed me, that empowered me. This amazing girl, that arrived full of life, full force, She came out roaring, the power of her lungs shocked me, as I expected her to arrive silently. But no, this being, has a lot to say, a lot to give. From the get go, she made an impact and continues to be so. She is so enthusiastic about life, everything is exciting, every emotion she expresses a 100%. How she has enriched my life.


    On a side note, I just want to apologise for not really engaging so much these last few weeks. My life is pretty challenging at the moment. Something that I have expressed in some of my latest posts. Writing has always helped me, to reflect, to process to heal. Time is not something I have a lot of right now, so when I do get online, I spend it writing my post. It's a choice I have made and yet I find that I have become someone, that in the past I would have frowned at. That person who just posts and doesn't engage. Community means a lot to me and I have been given a lot of support from my community on here, so I apologise for not connecting more, for not being more present. In time I will be. But right now, I seem to be in the eye of the storm.

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