Bob's wandered off to trouble some other folks and took the last of the snow showers with her. Left us with plenty of ice and snow though, and a snow day to boot.
Got a bunch of snow yesterday, then in the evening it switched to freezing rain, added close to half an inch of icy glaze to everything. An inch or two of snow this morning topped it off, giving us close to a foot of the cold stuff in total. More than enough to shut this town down for a day or two.
Makes for a lovely winter wonderland as long as you ain't got somewhere you need to be. Layered up and headed out to see what I could see, and maybe test my new lens under less adverse conditions than yesterday.
The city designated five official sledding hills, curiously enough they're all in the eastern half of the city, over where the money stays. Nary a one is in the South End or West End but nobody was letting that stop them from having fun.
Wandered down to Iroquois Park, thought I might check out the view from the overlook, see how the city looked in the snow. Cold. Ended up following tracks in the snow instead, lead me to where the party was at.
Seems the people had corrected the city's oversight by designating the golf course a public sledding course. Best use of a golf course I've heard of.
Kids and adults alike were getting their snow day fun on. Don't think I've ever seen that many people on the golf course at once, much less that many people having fun there.
Was a bit weird to think that most of these kids had never seen snow like this, much less went sledding on it. Louisville's not gotten this much snow in a day since 1998, and it's even been a while since we've gotten enough to break out the sleds.
Just doesn't snow like it used to. I'm not complaining, could just as easily do without winter, but it is a bit disquieting that the weather has changed noticeably within my thirty odd years. Still looked just as cold as I remember when I finally made it to the overlook.
Iroquois Park is basically one giant hill, so I don't see why you wouldn't sled down it. Seemed a lot easier than actually trying to walk down that road.
The main roads are clear-ish now but it's still interesting to get around. Temps are supposed to drop so we may have some snow for company for a bit. That's enough cold for one day, time for me to go warm up.