The duck and the hand (oil on paper)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    An happy Saturday to you all!
    Today the weather is not so bad like during the previous days and so I could clean (in a fast way before it started to rain again) my backyard from all the leaves fallen down from the trees around. There were a lot of different leaves in different colors and shapes and I collected some of them to take some pics too. There was a nice, lazy Saturday, the branches of my plum tree are full of white flowers and the Springtime seems so close to come. ^_^

    This morning, as usual, I woke up soon to work with my brushes and colors during the first, quiet hours of the da. I exercised my hand with acrylic colors and ink on my sketchbook and, in the following pics, you can see the final result:

    DSCN8044 (2).JPG

    When I started it I didn't have any idea on my mind, I just left my hands free to work on the page and, at the end, I like the final result. For the duck I cut a part of an old newspaper I used along the time to clean my brushes. For the other parts of the painting I used acrylic colors and ink. ^_^
    Like I use to do, I took some pics while I was painted it so you can see the process too:




    I hope you like it!
    See ya soon and stay safe,

    ***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
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    You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
    ^ ****

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