Challenges are part of life, Stay strong!

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Growing up, we've always fantasized about having a happily ever after kind of life because we've never had to face life's struggles, thanks to our parents/guardians that helped cover how hectic that kind of life can be, they took care of the burden of taking care of us till we became of age and then we realized that life was not really a bed of roses, the way childhood made it seem, it's common to hear some adult react with a popular slang that "Adulthood is a scam", we were only lucky to have people or family who helped us bear the thorns pain while making sure our bed was filled with roses, it took for us to attain adulthood, gain independence and begin to feel the impact, then we know how grateful we should be to our parents.

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    Likewise, marriage, some rom-com K-dramas or zee world have made some ladies lose fact of reality and expect real-life happenings to be the same as what they watch in movies but that sadly isn't always the case, there would be challenging moments and how you react to these challenges results in how far you could keep your relationships.

    One tough time

    I'm thankful for not having too many tough challenges while growing up, I think the worst of my problem then would be making sure I had good grades, but as I grew more into adulthood, becoming a mum and a wife was when I faced the most challenging period of my entire Life, not because I got married, but because that's just life, it can't be smooth at all times, we are bound to face challenges, I am lucky to have gotten married to the man of my dreams, who loves and cares a lot about me as I never lacked anything , also got blessed with the gift of a child, you would think I should have the best time of my life, but then, that was when life's challenges strike, from my hubby losing out on a huge investment which had his business crumbling to having a sick child at hand, I felt my world turn upside down received different bad advice from sone bad friends to leave my marriage during the challenging period, they forget its for better for worse, I guess most people think the priest was just reciting a normal wedding poem when taking their vows,lottle fid they know what they are up against, and this was my very challenging situation,my hubby also became a stranger to me due to this difficulty, but I held on strong, became a prayer warrior, doubled my working hours to meet up with the expenses oiling up, I knew the man I married wasn't always like that, and he was also fighting depression since he couldn't meet up with his family needs as he should, it was hard, but I took it upon myself, and never seized encouraging him, there was always disagreement, all due to the pressure we both felt. I didn't give up n us even made some sacrifices that people called me fool for to have made them.

    Today, I feel happy to have been strong enough to withstand the storm and come out victorious, My daughter became whole and better, and my husband eventually got himself a better job a few months ago, after years of depression, bounced back to his usual self and all the years of sorrow fade away like it never happened, I'm glad I didn"t listen to people's bad advice, I still remained convinced that change would come someday and my once lively home would return, and is it did.

    Lesson Learned

    If I'm asked to give a single lady advice on marital choices, my first would be for her to be an independent lady before thinking of getting married, because when things go south for your partner, you have no choice than to man up, I can't find a better word than Man Up

    Also, it's common to find single ladies always saying they would rather prefer to marry for money than love, I laugh so hard at this, I'm not saying your spouse should"t be financially buoyant, but make sure to love him also because, it's what will sustain you in your difficult moment. Money without love, leads to the uncountable number of divorces we see happening around us today.

    It's Valentine day today, and I think these words came at the right time, so ladies and gentlemen keep these words to heart and be open that life always comes with it's challenges, but you can overcome them, though without some sacrifices some times, but that's just the way life is, remember to stay strong and you would overcome.

    Thank you for reading and Happy Valentine's Day!❤❤

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