Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1223)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    A very rainy day, Plenty of vegging out, Feeling better & The dogs like the concoction I have been giving them!

    Alright, I am running slightly behind schedule with my writing routine... but overall I doubt that being twelve minutes 'late' matters all that much in the not-so-grand scheme of things. I was actually almost on time but then I realized that I had yet to brew any espresso... and although I did not really 'need' it I wanted some regardless just for the sake of 'habit' or whatever term best fits there.

    As is often the case, I swear that the 'set and setting' for the writing is quite the mind trick... and although I could probably do it all without it at this point... I still like the ritual of it all nonetheless. Heck, most of the time my espresso barely gets drunk (besides the first few sips) and I am always surprised to find my cup mostly full when my writing routine has reached its inevitable end.

    Today was an odd one to say the least... because last night I was up super late watching some movies... and more or less mulling everything over in regards to the move. Since there was a bunch of inbound bad weather and it was supposed to rain all day today (which it it did and is still doing) I was not too concerned with sleeping in... or missing out on getting stuff done.

    It was really late when I awoke this morning and although I did my usual Hive engagement routine... all that I did was a bit of reading, watching a video and voting... which yeah is not a lot of engagement per say... but at least I keep doing it each day. Most of the time I think that I should read more (and make more commentary) but given how 'all over the place' my mind has been... I am simply glad that I am sticking to said routine.

    Anyways, I had hoped that the weather would break at some point during the day... so that I could wash more of those buckets... but like I said it never did. It has not been raining all that heavily... but it has been coming down at a steady pace that has left the dog yard quite mucky... and probably has left the meadow quite flooded with water.

    Throughout the day, I kept telling myself that it was the perfect conditions (sans the humidity) to get up in the attic and start packing stuff down... but I never got motivated enough to follow through on it. For the most part I just vegged out watching some movies and hanging out with the dogs... instead of doing anything all that productive... so go figure.

    On a different note, I have been feeling much better all around ever since I made that last supply run... and made a concerted effort to eat more food each day as well as taking a multivitamin... which are the same ones that I have been giving the dogs. I have also been making sure to eat enough fiber containing foods each day... which has made a massive difference with the hemorrhoids.

    In short, I am gradually getting in much better shape physically... and although I have not been mentioning it a part of that is making sure that I get in at least one (and sometimes two) hikes each day. My morale has also been improving... and although my mental headspace is by far not where I want it to be... it has also been getting a bit better... and I am finding myself stressing out over everything a little less each day.

    Some of that reduced stress is because my elder dog has been responding well to getting the multivitamin, fish oil and vitamin E supplements that I have been giving her (and the other dogs) each day. Also I seem to be making some headway with the mites on that other dog (thanks to the sulfur ointment) and the vitamin E seems to be helping her coat grow back in a lot.

    Like I have said before the dogs always being so healthy (until the last few years) has always been a huge blessing (and something that I was always proud of) and now that they are getting older it is just natural for them to have some difficulties... but at the same time it makes me feel like a bad human companion. I know it is irrational to feel that way... but no matter how I approach the topic with myself... I just cannot seem to undermine (override) such feelings.

    Well, I think that is about it for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well and all that jazz. Ta ta for now.

    Just a rainy day!

    Thanks for reading!

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    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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