The garden center.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello weekend lovers,
    How is your weekend going?

    The one thing people do in the weekend in the Netherlands is going to the garden center.
    We have many of them, one bigger than the other.
    Some of those centers are a complete day out with the family. They have a restaurant and children's play ground etc. Some even a pub for the husbands if they are done shopping 😄

    But the one around the corner of my home isn't that big.
    This is Garden center van Ee. Let me show you around a bit.

    Of course its Halloween here too. That's the one thing these pumpkins decorations are here. It's not as big as in America but its starting to gain popularity here to.




    There is a section of outside garden plants in this store. Even there the autumn colors are visible.




    Look at this tree. I really don't know what it is. It has got some kind of fruits that I have never seen before.


    That's why I took this picture so that I could google it at home. I let you do that 😅


    They have a big variation of berry's for in the garden. I hope I have a big garden some time so that I could grow them all.




    This is a nice set for if you have a little balcony.

    In the Netherlands, Christmas is more popular than Halloween. these pictures were made a couple of weeks ago, they just started building the Christmas section. Maybe the pumpkins are in the sale now.

    The outside plantpots
    And some inside pots. They had a green sticker so they were in the sale. I didn't take one with me, and now I regret that 😂


    In the winter they also have a bird feed section. Well they always have some of this in the store but in the winter they have a a wider range of goods.


    And here is the best part of the shop. The house plants 😻
    Look at them, I wanen take them all.


    Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!

    And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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