Race against Time & Money!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Our life and lifestyle is changing at a rapid pace. We hardly able to adjust to something and we end up meeting with a challenge to face another changes. Thanks to the growing technology advancement. It is hard to predict what is coming next. The changing condition and atmosphere are relatively bring a new challenge to everyone. Giving an example, do we ever take a note of time from switching to the old dialing phone to cellular phone to smart phone? The changes were quick and we kept on adapting with the onset of new technology.

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    In this race against time, people kept themselves occupied to catch up with the trending lifestyle. They were too becomes part of the race, and unable to realize it, untill they were met with some drastic changes in personal life. They left everything to fulfill the demands and does not take out time for the family and friends. While people were running after money, they are leaving behind a wealth of love and affection. I have seen many relation break, only because people do not have time for their family. Many friends left the life as the person does not have time for them. They were crazy running after the money. Just to compete with different others and in process of earning They kept on loosing many persinal valuable wealth in terms of relation.

    People does have a mindset that money is everything and money can buy happiness. While the truth is earn enough to meet the daily needs and live a happy. This does not make sense that in process of earning money people do not have time for the family. What it meant to earn, when you don't left with any family or friends to enjoy your herd earned money?

    I belive that people are forgetting about the goal of their existence. In earlier times, people were more happy than people of today's time. Those were the time where people used to live a happy life. They were content with their needs and plan everything to meet the demands as well as taking out time for the family. But lately, even when people trying to accomodate as much as comfort for their family, they end up messing with their life. They find themselves onnthe losing side.

    It is important for people to realize, that money is not everything. Even Alexnader when dying wishes that both the hands were hang out of my coffin just to make people realize that the greatest invaders is going empty handed.
    Few years agos, even I was in such race and were running from one corporate to another for pay hike just to get a little extra. I think many people does that. And at times I feel alone and isolated and some times devasted. In the run up to earn I was missing out on my personal life. But when I opted for another life, I find myself much happier than before with limited life. It was a drastic change of lifestyle, yet very meaningful. From the city hustling life to peaceful village life.

    I wish people realize this basic things. Rather than be a supper in other hands, make yourself a king. It is not been done in one day, but some day it will be possible. Live life mindfully, than moneyfully.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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