Plague in Fab Four Ruleset with Dr Blight

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (2).gif

    Heyyy yooooo
    what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using my own account in and this time i am playing in Gold Modern Format League. And in this content i will sharing that using Dr. Blight is very overpowered even though there are many counter to this card. But,still if we are not preparing opponent using Dr Blight in battle, it will make the battle will sided. Especially when comes with the ruleset that restrcit like in this battle Fab Four. But, maybe i will telling my story first before entering the strategy. I don't know why with the splinterlands algorithm. In the last 2 season i am always renting just Lux Vega as a summoner. And after renting this summoner, the ruleset often showing Reverse Speed,Little League,Going The Distance,or Wands Out. And the last season i am not renting any fire element at all, and guess what??!! Yeah 2 out of 10 the element that can used in the battle just Fire only. Coincedence?? I don't think so. Why the algorithm like that? hurting the rental player or maybe the human player??
    After dev cuts so many profit for human player why still make human player hardly enjoy the game?
    Wanna kick human player or what??
    Thats really means y'know. But yeah whatever, the game still the game and human player cannot doing anything right especially the renter one. So, lets go on to the content.



    Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Broken Arrows lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

    Up to four Units can be used.

    So basically both player just having restriction to bringing full team, and just can bring 4 monster into the battlefield. Sometimes arranging team with this ruleset is pretty hard and sometimes is not. Especially when you are renting with full card. And this time i am pretty confident with what i am renting.Especially when i can renting Dr Blight. So lets see how the battle going.


    Strategy Phase

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    As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Fab Four that means both players just can bringing 4 monster units only. The second ruleset is see !!!! Reverse Speed ruleset. Yeah this ruleset often shows up when i am just renting Lux Vega as the only summoners. Dont know why. So basically this ruleset will make the slowest monster units be the fastest one. And the last ruleset is Tis But Scratches that means every time got hit by monster attack the maximum health will be reduced. The manacap that can be used in this battle is just 22 manacap which is pretty low in this battle, so it will be the low manacap monster battle. The element that cannot be used in this battle is Fire element and Dragon element. So, in Reverse Speed battle the most frightening element is just Earth element with magic monster that mostly have the low speed. But,with the manacap and Fab Four ruleset, it will be challenge to arrange the earth element. And since i dont renting another summoner but just Lux Vega only, in this battle i am having full disadvantage. So lets check it out what i am arranging for this battle, you can look in the table below

    Summoner+1 Speed +1 Armor +1 HealthAs i said before that i am not renting any summoner lately just bringing Lux Vega for battling in ranked modern league. Thats why i am choosing this unit as a summoner. In normal ruleset battle this summoner is pretty good, but this summoner having some of disadvantage ruleset. One of them is Reverse Speed ruleset battle because this summoner giving additional speed to entire team. Thats make in this battle bringing this summoner is gives disadvantages.
    Frontline TankerI am using this low mana monster as a frontline tanker because i still need to bringing some monster for the backline especially the attacker that having high mana with deadly range or magic attack. Even Though Hill Giant is low manacap monster, this monster very reliable as a frontline tanker. And not to mention this monster including in low speed as a frontline tanker for maximum level. The rest is having more speed or having low speed but need high mana and it will be super hard to arrange if the frontline tanker have high manacap.
    Buff Attacker I am bringing this monster into the battlefield because this monster can be a great support also can be attacker to opponent line up. And this monster is costing pretty high mana for my line up but having great ability that can support my tank with heal ability. And this monster can make opponent get affliction effect that can make opponent cannot healing if got affliction. And with silence ability, it will make opponent magic type attack will get debuffed. And if opponent get buff from summoner or another monster this monster can make it back to normal with dispel ability.
    Support Bringing Queen Mycelia in this battle is pretty good because this monster having low speed and also this monster can support our team mate with giving additional armor to entire team and reduce armor to opponent team with rust ability. And this monster unit can healing any monster from the second line until the backline. that is very usefull if opponent bring sneak or even the scattershot monster ability.
    Attacker I bringing the overpowered legendary promo edition monster into my team. This monster is pretty badass even though after rebellion edition came out. This monster is having complex ability that can make opponent will get many effect that can hurt pretty badly. With Poison effect it will make opponent from front can get additional damage from the poison every turn, then the afflicition will make opponent cannot be healed at all. And this monster will hardly to be a target due the camouflage ability. And the last whats make this units more frightening is the scavenger ability that can adding this unit maximum health after any monster dies. And after time this unit will be more stronger and unbeatable.

    So, this is my strategy in this ruleset battle. I am just depend on Doctor Blight only to gives opponent poison and affliction effect. And if the RNG is not with me and make the effect not showing up, Yeah my team will lost very easy. Since my team got many disadvantage in terms of speed. I am pretty sure that my team will move last than opponent especially when opponent did not bringing summoner that can reducing my speed or adding speed to opponent line up. Interesting right? lets see how the battle going. Can my team with disadvantage will win the battle?? Lets go to battlephase.




    This time i am encountered with opponent that using Obsidian as summoner and yeah as i predicted that using Earth element will having advantage in Reverse Speed ruleset. But, with Fab Four ruleset who knows that opponent will be blunder or not when arrange the team. In this battle it should make opponent having advantages in terms of the speed. But, lets see the battle.

    Round 1

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    As usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters. In this battle my team got additional 1 Speed,Armor,and health from my summoner Lux Vega ability. Additional 2 armor from my Queen Mycelia ability Protect. And in opponent team got 1 Magic type attack buff from opponent Obsidian ability. Got 1 debuffed magic type attack from my Goblin Psychic ability Silence. Got 2 armor debuffed from my Queen Mycelia ability Rust. I feels strange in this battle because why opponent using Obsidian as summoner but not bringing any magic monster type attack in opponent line up. Maybe opponent afraid that i am using Immortalis as summoner. But, overall opponent bringing the strongest monster in Reverse Speed ruleset that is Mycelic Infantry. After buff and debuff then the battle started. And as you can see my team having disadvantage in terms of speed, so the opponent will attack first that is opponent Mycelic Infantry attacking first to my Hill Giant and break the armor and crippling Hill Giant maximum health. Following by opponent Goblin Tower giving 5 damage to my Hill Giant and break my Goblin Psychich armor. Then my Goblin Psychic healing my Hill Giant and attacking opponent Mycelic Infantry and activate the Enrage of opponent Mycelic Infantry ability and gives affliction. Then my Queen Mycelia attacking Mycelic Infantry too. And the last is my Doctor Blight attacking Mycelic Infantry and giving Poison status. Then opponent Acid Shooter attacking my Goblin Psychic and fortunately did not gives poison status to my Goblin Psychic. And the last is my Hill Giant attacking Mycelic Infantry and just break the armor.

    Round 2

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    In round 2 Opponent Mycelic Infantry get poison damage before entering the battle. Then the first attacker goes to opponent Goblin Tower that hitting my Hill Giant and my Goblin Psychic. And Goblin Tower is really gives huge damage. Then opponent Mycelic Infantry defeated my Hill Giant. Then my Goblin Psychic healing himself and gives damage to opponent Mycelic Infantry and leaving just 1 health only. Then my Doctor Blight defeated opponent Mycelic Infantry and makes my Doctor Blight got 2 maximum health in this round after my Hill Giant and Mycelic Infantry died due the scavenger ability. Then my Queen Mycelia attacking opponent Chaos Agent. And the last attacker is opponent Acid Shooter missing attacking my Queen Mycelia. This is odd and strange. maybe this is the first time happening to me that opponent missing attacking me even though the speed different is just 1.

    Round 3

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    In round 3 the first attacker still goes to opponent Goblin Tower that defeated my Goblin Tower and break my Queen Mycelia Armor. Then my Doctor Blight attacking opponent Chaos Agent and gives poison and affliction status. Then my Queen Mycelia defeated opponent Chaos Agent and total gives 2 additional maximum health to my Doctor Blight in this round. And then this time opponent Acid Shooter hit my Doctor Blight and gives poison status.

    Round 4

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    Before entering the battle my Doctor Blight got 2 damage due the poison effect. And after opponent Goblin Tower moving forward to frontline so my team will safe from the hugh damage and just need to defeating Goblin Tower and make sure that my team can be the winner team. So, this time my Doctor Blight moves first and hit Goblin Tower and gives poison and affliction status. Then my Queen Mycelia adding damage to opponent Goblin Tower that leaving with just 2 health to opponent Goblin Tower. That will make the next round opponent Goblin Tower surely died due the poison effect. Then the last is opponent Acid shooter attacking my Doctor Blight in this round and break the armor.

    Round 5

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    As i said in previous round, in this round opponent Goblin Tower fainted due the Poison damage.Also my Doctor Blight got Poison damage to. But thanks to Scavenger ability, my Doctor Blight can holding longer with high amount of maximum health. Also my Queen Mycelia can healing my Doctor Blight after got Poison. And after opponent Goblin Tower defeated, makes opponent Acid Shooter moves to frontline and cannot attack. So, my entire team just make opponent Acid Shooter sandbag and cannot return the attack. And yeah my Doctor Blight gives Acid Shooter poison too. And then my Queen Mycelia Healing my Doctor Blight and gives damage to Acid Shooter but yeah still cannot defeated it. And in the next round opponent Acid Shooter will died due the poison effect.

    If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

    or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

    Plague in Fab Four Ruleset with Dr Blight



    After experiencing this battle, my only opinion is yeah

    Doctor Blight is very too powerful

    Nothing i can said much. Even though my team still have disadvantage in this battle. Still with the support from Doctor Blight ability, my team still can win the battle. But, i dont too happy in this battle since the line up of opponent seems strange. Using Obsidian but dont bringing any magic monster. Thats very strange. Maybe because opponent afraid that i am using Immortalis thats why opponent did not bringing magic monster. But yeah. If only opponent bringing Doctor Blight too. My team will absolutely losing this battle. And yeah please developer please fix the algorithm. Until i write this content all my 3 account that renting Lux Vega as summoner only often get Little League ruleset, Reverse Speed ruleset that makes disadvantages at all. I usually spent 25 energy and total that having disadvantage ruleset is almost half. So please fix that algorithm. Even though not all disadvantages i lost but, still thats strange and odd. The other account that i am renting all summoner up to 50 energy did not showing any Little League ruleset and just few Reverse Speed ruleset. Coincedence?? or the algorithm scripted??


    In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

    Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
    The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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    All images taken from Splinterlands website

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