Life is not black and white ...

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Managing in the nuances is more enriching.

    While it is true that it is important and necessary to be aware of oneself, take responsibility for our actions, love ourselves and act on our own terms, that does not exempt us from relating to our family ties, that learning that ancestors left us as a legacy to pass the baton to our descendants.

    We are programmed in childhood and puberty for the continuity of the ecosystem.

    The family is the closest thing to the herd. And the herd has to be taken care of, taught and abandoned to form a new herd. Family ties are eternal and must be honored throughout life.

    I'm talking about this because today my sweet Amber, my 13-year-old niece, was invited to a school friend's birthday party at a shopping mall. She took the debit card that her parents gave her, but they told her to be careful what she was going to spend.

    Well, Amber heeding the recommendations of her parents (her little family)... I don't spend any of his first money (own allowance).

    After the permission to go eat ice cream, and spend some time with the birthday girl and her high school friends, my sister went to pick her up at the mall, back at the house they stopped by a mini supermarket to buy some ice cream to take home.

    Sandra, my sister, tells me that when they arrived at the mini-store, there was a beggar woman outside, and whenever Amber sees her so lonely and cornered, she says that seeing her like this, gives her a lot of pity, pain, and gets very sad.

    To the point that, Amber said to her mom, with my allowance on Mommy's debit card: "Mommy wished to buy food from Mrs. Beggar.".. "Please, Mom, don't tell me that I can't spend money right now."

    This testimony speaks that the color of kindness is with all its shades in the heart of my niece.

    The first thing Amber bought with her card was food for the woman. If that wasn't enough, there's more. Amber went to ask her if she wanted an apple. The woman told her that she had no teeth, that she couldn't eat an apple. And Amber, with the generosity tattooed on her soul, said to her, aha, tell me I buy from you... a soup? No, the beggar woman told her, she didn't want soup because she didn't want to eat anymore... aja, and what should I buy you? The woman asked for a coffee, and an ice cream, Amber went and bought the drink from the woman.

    Today my heart is full of love, that day Amber behaved like a stream of water, she did not stop in front of the situation of abandonment of the beggar, I surround her with love, just as the stream surrounds the stone on the road.

    Amber continues to flow with her good deeds and told my sister that when she finishes her high school she wants to be a nurse.

    Every change and every beginning leads us to extraordinary destinations, many wonder, he why of things?

    Simply, I tell them if you don't live it, you don't understand it, if you don't take risks you don't get anything, it's that simple, the scale is in our hands, if, we preach positive thinking everything flows, faith and trust is the determination for the steps, happy for my niece Amber, for me, and for my family, my herd that I take care of and protect with a lot of love.

    As for me, the clan, the family or the herd teaches us from an early age to sacrifice ourselves to appear that we are good; the reality is that out there, beneath that goodness, there is an executioner lurking.


    Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

    Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

    Translation with |DeepL

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