Saturday Savers Club / week 5 - A difficult week but we continue to make progress

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good morning savers!

    Warm greetings to all, after a somewhat complicated week I am here to deliver the progress report on the goals set for this year, sorry to do it on this day as we enter another exciting week for us here.

    Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

    This last week I must admit that it was a little difficult to meet my weekly goals, but thanks to the rewards of a publication that I expired yesterday, I managed to make the contribution of my main goal (HBD) to meet my week, something of a setback at the end of the week but with a week starting well so I think that one thing compensates the other.

    With my eyes firmly set on my objectives we face this week, I have said that if the publication rewards are not enough to cover my commitments for the week, whenever I can I will resort to buy some HBD to compensate, I just tried to do it this week by the means I always use and it was impossible for me at the weekend, so we move on as circumstances allow me to.

    Weekly report

    Already with the weekly objectives covered until Sunday we face a new week, knowing that we already beat another one, which is very satisfying for me, since the objectives are being fulfilled, not only those of saving resources, but the most important ones, those of the mind, discipline and the formation of a saver and investor mentality. We are doing well...


    This is how this week we reached the brand new figure of 16,044 HBD, very motivated with the projections towards the future and hopeful that things will go well this week that we started with so much optimism, this is regarding my main objective that today shows an advance towards its fulfillment of 2.39% advancing little by little according to plan.


    My second goal is focused on increasing my HIVE POWER which according to my plans I want to bring before the end of this year to 600, a conservative goal, however, it is a way to calculate how much progress I can make in one year to continue growing in the next year, so I am committed to these two goals for now.

    My HIVE POWER at the time of this posting is at 366,153 as shown in the image, having a total progress percentage of 5.49%, not bad although it could be better.

    Pleasant surprise


    In my previous post I mentioned that I made my contribution by delegating a small amount of HIVE POWER to the account @eds.voter as my possibilities allowed me, well today I realized that this delegation began to bear fruit and I started to receive my EDS as a reward for this action, so my participation and commitment in this beautiful community grows.

    Daily and weekly report


    This is the image that shows the daily progress of my main goal, the 365 days challenge and as you can see in the image we have already completed 56 days of this challenge so we are still celebrating our progress and focused on the long road ahead.

    In the second image you can see the weekly progress of this goal, it shows that we have passed the eighth emana and we are well on our way to meet our goal this week number nine.

    Control semanal.png

    Finally, I am sharing the weekly chart of my progress so far.

    HIVE POWER333.1996009.556366.1535.49%

    Already at this point I must say that all this is very sobering and motivating, honestly I have many expectations with this initiative, although I can not know or predict the future, I just hope that things go on its normal course without surprises or unexpected events that interfere negatively in my progress.

    So this will be all in this publication, hoping to be in a position next Saturday to publish my weekly report that day.

    Stay focused, and let's go for more!

    Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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