YES to our emotions

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Every aspect of ourselves, every feeling, every emotion we experience can help us find our way, as long as we are aware of our inner world. Insofar as we can deconstruct, understand and accept, instead of rejecting, instead of resisting, instead of fighting.

    In fact, it's a matter of reconciling these antagonistic aspects of ourselves and ceasing to struggle, rather like Batman at odds with the Joker. Batman, who has chosen to convert his pain into a fight against injustice. The Joker, on the other hand, remained imprisoned, captive of this mental prison.

    And to fight his pain, he has taken the opposite path, to avoid being hurt. He hurts others, as if he thinks: "I've got nothing left to lose, I've already lost everything. I've lost my integrity and my dignity, so I've got nothing left ". Other people have to pay, even if they're not directly involved in what happened to him. But he's making other people pay the price.


    The repression of emotions

    Trauma can be considered taboo. We live in a society where, in general, we have to pretend that everything's fine. So, the tendency is to repress and show that you're fine, that you're a good person. Because, in fact, social acceptance is conditional on being what the group considers a good person. A good person according to whom? According to what frame of reference?

    When we attach more importance to social acceptance and to the standards defined by a certain condition of what it is to be a good person, we run the risk of not showing our full personality. So we run the risk of hiding important aspects of ourselves. Acknowledging and accepting these aspects of ourselves is also a way of freeing ourselves from self-shame. Primitive shame is a very strong character, or it's feelings, primitive emotions that are part of us but that we repress or don't show for fear of rejection.


    Managing emotions

    Joy, fear, anger, sadness: emotions are part of our everyday lives. Depending on the person, emotions can be experienced with such intensity that they end up overwhelming them, sometimes to the point of bringing them into uncomfortable, and sometimes even dramatic, situations. So, it's not innate, it has to be learned, and I'm going to share with you two simple, hyper-powerful tips so that you too can manage your emotions.

    1: You need to learn to recognize and identify your emotions when they arise. Being able to put your finger on them will help you lessen their impact and calm yourself down.

    2: You need to understand where these emotions come from, and what beliefs, ways of thinking or experiences they're rooted in. In other words, why it's there and what message it's sending you.

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