WOO Strategy: part 2

in voilk •  last month


    Hello everyone!

    As I already explained in my previous WOO Strategy article, I am going to write a series about strategy in the WOO game. This time I will talk about speed as you probably already guessed because of above picture.

    Indeed you can find the speed of a particular wrestler at the spot of the red square on a WOO NFT. As you can see, above card, a max level Upper Management has a speed of 3. For those of you unaware, in WOO, speed has everything to do with 2 things. It determines who can first attack in a round and it has an influence on dodging attacks.

    Who attacks first is an easy to answer question. The one with the higher speed stat will attack first, that's quite logical. If two wrestlers have the same speed stat, than luck will decide who attacks first, with both wrestlers having a chance of 50% to start.

    Evasion isn't that difficult neither but has some important consequences. When a wrestler has a higher speed stat than his opponent, he'll always land his attack. When a wrestler has a lower speed stat than his opponent, it could be that he misses his attack. For each amount of difference, there is a 10% chanche that the opponent will dodge the attack. I will explain it utilizing an example:
    Wrestler A: 4 speed
    Wrestler B: 1 speed
    Wrestler A will attack first as his speed is higher. His attack will succeed as his speed is higher. Than wrestler B will attempt his attack, as his speed is (4-1=3) three levels lower, he has a 30% chanche to miss his attack.

    When an attack is missed, no damage will be dealt AND a wrestler will have to start his first attack again. Let's explain the latter part. Every wrestler has 3 moves. Normally he'll utilize his first (left on the card) move, if that one succeeded, next round, he'll utilize his second (in the middle of the card) move and if that one succeeded, he'll utilize his third (right on the card) move. When you scroll through the cards, you'll see that second and/or third moves will sometimes have colors around them. You'll need moves with certain colors to be able to win the event. If you missed your second attack, it means you'll perform your first attack once again in the next round, thus it will take time before you could perform your third move once again.

    What these colors mean and how you're able to win, will be explained in a following article!

    I hope I explained speed in the WOO game well. Feel free to ask any questions!

    Thanks for reading!


    What is WOO?

    WOO, aka Wrestling Organization Online is an upcoming play2earn game on the Hive blockchain about wrestling. They are bringing back territory wrestling, where the wrestlers are tradeable nft's. The game launched in 2024. It's an autobattler in the theme of wrestling. There are 3 undercard events and 1 main event. Winning an undercard event gives you 1 point and winning the main event gives you 2 points, so 5 points are what we're fighting for. There are wrestler NFT's and manager NFT's which gives bonuses to the wrestlers. When you win a game, you'll earn $WOO, the governance token of WOO, making it a real #play2earn game!

    A lot could be said about WOO, to get more information about WOO in general, check out my other posts, the posts of @wrestorgonline and make sure to join their discord: https://discord.gg/woogame


    Link of above match: https://play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com/match/657a11bad9362698abcff4fb


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