Easter Egg Hunting 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Previous hunts

    This year, I was actually planning on doing the Easter egg hunt partially in our communal garden, I even considered asking the neighbours if they do such a thing and maybe gather the kids to have some fun together. This would have been a great moment to introduce the little one to her kid neighbours properly but sadly the weather forecast said it was going to rain all weekend, and so this is happening as predicted.

    Inside hunt

    So our plans quickly changed to having the hunt inside, which is way more fun this year as we have many more rooms to hide eggs than in our old apartment where the hunt would not last very long. I love how many hiding places we have now and we were actually excited to find out how long it would take her to find all eggs. These are chocolate eggs btw, not real eggs but I still said we need to count them to keep track on how many are left, as we will probably forget a few ourselves, lol.

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    Some of the eggs and a small gift as she keeps receiving these bracelets from her school friends and I thought it might be fun for her to create a few herself..

    Waiting until she sleeps

    We waited until quite late before we started to hide the eggs and Easter bunny because she's quite smart and what I did as a child was try to stay awake and hopefully hear something so I knew where to look. I expect her to do the same, haha. First we needed to count the eggs, we came to 36 eggs and a bunny which I thought was an annoying number to remember so my boyfriend ate one to get to the total number of 36 so that at least I would remember it.

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    Numerology logic

    Why? Ok here's the numerology lover in me, my life path number is 33, if you add 3+6 that's a 9 and 9 means 3x3, so I only would need to remind my life path number to know for sure it was 36. Makes absolutely no sense to my boyfriend or probably 99.9% of the people reading it, but that's ok. It made sense to me, and this is also the reason I know 100% for sure that we miss one tiny egg now that the hunt is over!

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    That darn clock!

    Yesterday we were reminded about daylight savings time and the clock going from 2 AM to 3 AM last night, meaning we'd have an hour less sleep, and I was already not the best morning person in the past week of holiday, lol. Thankfully, our kid has adjusted to my sleeping schedule rather than her father's strict getting up before 8 AM schedule, therefore we were lucky not to find her showing the first eggs too early. Of course, a little earlier than normal because of the excitement of the possibility of an egg hunt. I told her I think she's too old for that, to surprise her more but she probably didn't believe me in the first place.

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    The one she didn't see even when she was looking haha..

    A hunt that lasted hours

    We have an apartment with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a laundry room and two hallways. There's also the balcony but that wasn't suitable for this hunt due to the extreme winds and rain so all the other rooms were used except one hallway and bathroom. What an upgrade compared to the previous years in terms of hiding places, and we didn't even use the wardrobes because I was afraid they'd end up forgotten or melted at some point.

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    Her response: maybe it tastes like plant now!

    Counting, recounting and trying to remember

    At some point, we were hours into the hunt and she was still 20 short out of the 36 total. This was when we figured we would probably need to give some hints (and with that my idea for next year was born: a real treasure hunt with map and hints). So we were chatting to each other to disclose the ones that were found in each room and which were missing.

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    I personally forgot about three of them at first, and remembered them while going back to the areas where I was hiding eggs. My boyfriend kept saying he didn't put any in the kitchen anymore but when it was due to the final 3 left, two more were found in the kitchen cabinet lol. That final one though, that one is still lost.

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    Maybe the cats got a hold of one egg as he busted them during the night, playing with a few! eggs which he then hid again but he says these are all found. I'm just hoping it will not be in a place where it melts and ends up being discovered many months later during a heatwave thanks to a huge colony of ants, lol.

    The best hiding places

    I would like to share with you the best hiding places of this year's Easter egg hunt. One of them I already shared above, in the ceramic little blue jug in my daughter's Ikea kitchen. She opened the door many times, checked everything, yet didn't see it, that was actually hilarious!

    Another one that took forever was on top of a hat in the hallway:

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    I first placed a small egg on top of the hat but figured that was going to be impossible, so I changed it to a bigger egg, which was smart considering how long this took. Don't judge the hat btw, it's been a nightmare finding a decent one for years that's not tourist shit and affordable and the right size for my boyfriend, but that's another story.

    Although there were a few more that took forever, I wanted to share this egg that I (yeah, I'm saying that myself) hid inside the jar with our coffee cups, it blends in so well:

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    At some point she stood there looking at the jar and not seeing it still. And finally, one last picture to bore you with, as I really thought this was found very well, sadly she found it quickly due to it's location:

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    This is my necklace and I tried to hang an egg in between the stone and the golden part, which seemed to work. It fell once trying but then I found the right balance and it stayed there until the morning, she found it quickly as she searched that room first which doesn't have many places to look but I think it was a great find, very creative, right?

    The end

    That's the end of our Easter hunt 2024, where we're still an egg short at 2 PM in the afternoon. Let's hope it shows up during the day.

    Happy Easter! I hope you have a great time today with your friends and or family! <3

    All pictures above are mine...

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