Much needed holidays!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Holidays are a great way to enoy the life. It's the moment when you balance your inner life with the outer life. 60% of our daily life is devoted to the work and 30% we are either sleeping or eating. 10% time of the day is that time where we can sit with our loved ones. Chaotic schedule takes the essence, the joy of living a life. If we miss anything this weekend then the opportunity to do it comes on the next weekend only. This is how much we are bonded in this rat race.

    The young age

    In the young age, schooling is a fun activity. Its not a activity which is a time based or reward based. Its free of market conditions. Our best friends were kids too, free as much as we are and that's give us many opportunity to do many activities together. We were not so consumed in responsible life. But this same situation also comes once in a life and after that once we cross this phase, we can never come back to it. The only thing se are left with are the playful memories which we can just think only. We can't create the same days.

    The present age

    Although things are similar as the childhood days, we have office colleagues, a place where we can meet and learn from each other - the office but still half of us won't like that place too. And that's because the office is the place of earning materials - its not a place where we can be playful, do any activity as we like, cheering up if any friend lags behind. It's no more that intensity which we kept us hooked along. I find ways to do something interesting at office - sometimes movies, dinner or lunch, treat or tricks but all these things are very rare and not seen generally.

    Its a more formal way of living life. The Holidays time we get, now aren't enough to address our necessities. One or two days leave and that can't even accomodate a next city travel time. A good chunks goes in travelling and the rest thinking that weekend is about to over. This lack of time distances us from ourselves. I often try to have atleast few days where I can connect with myself. This connection is really necessary to keep a good check on what we are doing and how should we live.

    How I use Holidays

    To overcome this problem, I usually do work on few holidays which I don't want to take. Once 4-5 days are collected, the next I do is to make a trip plan. Inviting friends and family. In the last month, I moved to the central India for a brief vacation, to a place which was unknown to me. Travelling, staying relives us from the monotonous schedule that is on loop. Work is enjoyable but holidays are the time where we feel alive and different. The joy, relaxation and comfortness that is on my face during holidays or on a trip is unmatched.

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