Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked.
I fought an interesting battle in Modern Diamond ranked. This battle was only decided during fatigue rounds. For those who don't know, if a game lasts long enough, it will enter fatigue mode. Starting in round 21, at the beginning of it, every unit takes 1 damage to their HP. This damage bypasses armor and can't be prevented by anything like Flying, Shield, Void, or Immunity. It can still be Healed. But it doesn't stop there. The damage amount increases by 1 every single round. In round 22 it will be 2 damage and in round 29 it will be 9 damage. However, there is a very important aspect of this game that made it reach fatigue, instead of ending much sooner. I won't spoil it for now, though.

Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/battle/sl_5346cb34779e4ca9cc066877850d8b2f

This game has the following rule sets: Armored Up, Ferocity, and Lost Legendaries. It's a 47 mana cap game with only Death and Dragon splinters inactive. I used Eternal Tofu, placing Mycelic Infantry as my tank. In the Reach position, I went with Corsair Bosun. I followed it up with Grimbardun Smith, trained by Moxian Rebel. I finished the team with Olivia of the Brook and Goblin Psychic. They opted for Cryptic with Commander Slade as their tank, powered up by Rune Arcanist behind it. River Nymph was their next one, followed by Anasth Soothsayer. They finished their team with Supply Runner and Swamp Spitter.

I gave Triage and Scavenger to Olivia. However, they didn't pick any abilities. As the game started and I missed all my attacks, I saw that there was a big issue. All my units attacked the front and there was nothing they could do. They had 6 or 7 difference in speed, which meant 60% or 70% chances of missing. Rune Arcanist was giving Phase to Commander Slade, so magic attacks could miss too. Commander Slade also had Dodge, which added 25% to the chances of missing. Cryptic provided Blind, which meant another 15%. None of my units could hit Commander Slade! That left Olivia as the only possible threat on my side. However, she also couldn't do anything! River Nymph was the unit with the lowest HP, so it was getting attacked. Since it was next to Anasth Soothsayer with Lookout, the magic attack didn't deal any damage. The melee attack could deal 1 damage if it hit, but Swamp Spitter would Repair the armor. Commander Slade also couldn't take any damage from Thorns, due to the Reflection Shield, but even if it did, it would get Healed and Repaired. Furthermore, Commander Slade had Backfire, making my units take damage from their misses.

image generated by ChatGPT
By round 3, they were able to kill my Mycelic Infantry. Corsair Bosun suffered the same fate in the following round. In round 7, Moxian Rebel died to the Backfire. However, Grimbardun Smith was holding on heroically, against all the enemy attacks, thanks to Goblin Psychic's Tank Heal. Since Psychic was the only unit in the back, other than Olivia, Triage was healing the damage it took from Backfire. There was nothing both teams could do anymore. Olivia had gained a lot of abilities but none of them could break the stall.

We reached fatigue so the game would have to change. River Nymph went down at the start of round 22. At the start of the following one, they lost everything but Commander Slade and Anasth Soothsayer. For round 24, my Goblin died but so did their Soothsayer. At this point it was clear that I would win in one or two rounds, depending if I was able to hit my attacks or not. I did, so the game ended in round 25's fatigue.

I only won this game because my opponent forgot to use the Tactics. As long as they give Expose to anything, they would eventually win because my Grimmbardun wouldn't have been able to last until fatigue by getting its abilities removed. Unless I was so lucky that the 80% chance of triggering Expose kept failing, but that would be such a low chance that it would be rounded to 0%.

What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!

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