I Hate Influencers

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Now Hate is a strong word and I am unsure if I am using it correctly. So, let me take a moment to search my feelings. And nope, it is not just hate, but it is stuffed with disgust, coated with frustration and deep-fried in sadness Hate.
    I just hate them now, And no I am not talking about the finance influencers or fitness influencers or any niche influencers. I am talking about everyone on the social media dumpster called Instagram. Wait!!! I am not going to limit this to that pile of garbage but I am looping in every platform that allows such content.


    A few days back I installed Instagram, Facebook and Messenger. Don't ask what possessed me. I distanced myself from these platforms back in 2019 because I watched a YouTube motivational video. Maybe the effect wore off. Anyway, I connected with a few of my friends. And a couple of them share videos and reels of some funny stuff. A couple of workout videos and Yoga videos for my helping with my back pain. We will come back to the fitness videos later. The other one shared a few food vlogs and funny videos, like adult jokes. Not going to lie, it was funny, I laughed and I subscribed to it. Now I am not sure how that translated to feed inuke raunchy and nasty jokes is beyond my understanding. My feed has these unfunny jokes where one girl is talking about her sexual experience and abortions. I mean what the F. She definitely needs therapy and thanks to her, I am considering getting some for myself. Why would somebody think that it is ok for them to share such things which can traumatise others on the internet, What bothers me was the number of views she had and the followers. The comment section reminded me of the public toilet in the bad corner of the city where there is no maintenance and you are left without a choice but to use it and possibly get a urinary tract infection.


    Freedom of speech doesn't mean Freedom from Brain. And I seriously doubt that if they had any, to begin with. And no it was not just 1 such person. To be fair, I am guilty too, as I scrolled out of curiosity, which turned into pity and finally to disgust. I subjected myself to those cursed reels and now I am sad and kinda depressed. I
    And the fitness influencers are cursed too, Man!!! And Alogo is broken too, how does fitness and exercise videos translate to Inuke likes butt. Why does everything have to be about Butt and yoga pants? And why do you need to be naked in dim light to perform Yoga? My Instagram feed was butts walking away from the camera, butts walking in reverse toward the camera, butts in slow-mo, butts jiggling, twerking, and people transitioning to butt. And to be frank I would prefer a happy butt over a depressing abortion-talk unfunny girl anyday. But I am kind of tired of that too.

    To add to my misery the fitness tip is always incomplete and forces you to check the bio or the comments for details. Why are you subjecting your followers to that shit. I see no reason why they can't spend another few seconds on camera and talk about how to relieve back stress. It is not like they are suddenly shy about being naked and showing butt.

    Now you must be thinking where is the anger, I talked about the sad stuff and the butt stuff, why anger. I am angry because I left the phone unattended this evening when I ran to the washroom. When I returned I saw my 3 yrs watching a fitness video. He may not have understood anything about fitness, but I felt ashamed as a father. It was actually my mistake to leave the phone unlocked with the app running. It is not the fault of those influencers. But shouldn't they be a little responsible about the content they are putting for the world to see? But again it is my mistake to expect that much from morally bankrupt people. I wish they could pay attention to mental health as much as they highlight physical fitness.


    Now one may say, Yeah, not everyone is like that. And just to try I typed Hindi poetry and again a lady popped up on the screen reading a poem, and let just say the poetry was overshadowed by two massive objects. And the poem was about broken promises. Needless to say, I deleted IG and Messenger. I wanted to set my phone on fire, but that would mean no WhatsApp. Which is a different can of worms for another day. FB is just a watered-down version of Instagram, my good friends are there and they post pics of them enjoying their holidays. So I deleted FB too. Just kidding I am not that sad. I am waiting to hear from two friends if they are in WA, I will move FB into the bin.

    TLDR; Instagram is depressing, unfunny and sad. Needed to uninstall for peace of mind.


    Hey folks,
    Thanks for reading.
    I am sorry if you are one of the influencers. I am sure you are not the kinda influencer that I talked about. Just in case if you are that kind of influencer, I am sure you will understand when I say I have no problem with your butt, but I have problems with your thoughts.

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    Special thanks to India United and BeAwesome community for all their love and support.


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