Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Cursed Windeku is a great tank in low mana fights

in voilk •  16 days ago

    Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. This week is about a great fight that I had with Cursed Windeku.

    Featured cards


    Cursed Windeku is a death splinter that costs 6 mana. This card starts off with the thorns ability. It learns at heal at level 5 and slow at level 8. I have this card at level 5 so it has both heal and thorns. I use this monster a lot as a tank due to the healing and thorns ability. It works well against a lot of monsters.

    Rule set, Battle and Plan

    rule set.png

    The ruleset this time is Explosive Weaponry and Maneuvers. This means that all monsters gain the blast and reach ability. There are 12 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, earth, life, or death splinter.

    SplinterMana CostPositionReason
    Thaddius Brood4Summoner-1 Health and Magic
    Cursed Windeku61stThorns and Heal
    Halfling Refugee12ndWeary
    Corpse Fiend03rd
    Carrion Shade14thFlying
    Total Mana:12

    My summoner is Thaddius Brood because it decreases my opponent's health and magic by 1. My tank is Cursed Windeku for its abilities. Then I have Halfling Refugee as my second monster due to the ruleset since it can attack. Halfling Refugee has a weary ability so it becomes worst as the battle goes on so I am relying on it to deal some damage during the first few rounds. Then I have a filler monster in my 3rd spot. My last monster is just a monster with flying to deal with any sneak monsters.

    Round 1

    round 1.png

    At first glance, I think I have the advantage because my opponent only used melee monsters. This means that the thorns from Cursed Windeku. So it's a battle of endurance and whether or not my opponent can stack that bloodlust.

    Round 2

    round 2.png
    I was able to kill off my opponent's Halfling Refugee before his bloodlust monster could attack because it was a common monster. So at this point, there is not chance for me to lose because thorns will kill off the opponent even if I miss.

    I ended up winning the match later that round.


    The battle this time around went exactly like I expected. Cursed Windeku costs 6 mana to use but can survive for a long time with the heal and thorns ability. I also used one of the new negative effects reward cards and it was well worth the 1 mana cost. It let me have an extra fast attacker and this allowed me to win this match without much issues.

    You can see my entire match here.

    Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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