I'm hooked on this. Weekend-engagement #209.

in voilk •  29 days ago

    Pleasant greetings everyone 🙌.

    Everyone is doing one thing or the other. Even the things one might consider as irrelevant, are work done. The question lies in the outcome of such work done and if the result is productive to enhance one's growth.

    There are certain hobbies that seem good from the onset but over time, they turn to become like a drug one cannot do without. I feel that this is what the prompt posed by @galenkp for week 209 #weekend-engagement anf it states..

    What do you spemd far too much time doing and how does it negatively impact your life?

    The one major thing that I spend far too much time doing is reading. Before you start to think that there is nothing bad with reading, then you need to know what I read.

    I am a variety reader, this means I read virtually everything I come across, as long as it is written down then my eyes would scan and read them. The kind of reading that I spend too much valuable time on is fantasy reading. I read a lot of fantasy novels in whatever mix they come.

    This hobby of mine started as a thing of curiosity and awe. I was charmed by the various vivid ways that each author wrote about supernatural stuff and from curiosity, it turned to a hobby and finally to an addiction. Its not just any addiction but an escape addiction from the stress and chaos that comes with facing life each day. I started with hard copies but now I have several book apps on my phone for reading like webnovel and novelup.

    How does it impact your life negatively?

    Spending close to 18 hours daily to read and complete a book because of how suspense filled it is , impacts my health negatively. Firstly, my sleep hours gets reduced which would lead to me developing a headache if you don't try to sleep or rest during the day.

    This addiction also impact my work negatively cos once my eyes are glued to the screen, reading a suspense filled book, I wouldn't like to be interrupted by anyone at all. Sometimes I procastinate some of the work to be done to another day, causing my work load for the next day to become doubled.

    What steps can I take to reduce it?

    There are several things I can do to reduce the impact of this addiction, since I am well aware of it's negative implications on me. I could freeze the app or delete sone apps leaving just one reading app. I could also set up a reading schedule of about four hours daily and be diligent to abide by it itrespective of how captivating a book I'm reading is.

    I believe taking these steps would help to curb the excesses and reduce the negative impact of spending too much valuable time in reading fantasy books.

    Thanks for reading..shalom.

    Images are mine.

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