5 minute freewrite 2364 prompt suffer the little mice

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2364 prompt suffer the little mice hosted by @mariannewest

    I know these photos are gross but I put them on here because I could not explain what they are about without them. I do not care if it is a rat or a roach, no animal should be left suffering and the best thing my husband could do for this rat was kill it, if you believe just because it is a rat let it suffer, then you should double check yourself.

    I can not let something suffer, I would not sleep at night and there is no way I would give one a slow death and think, suffer the little mice, if you find the need to kill something, do it quickly.

    This close up photo is hard to look at, just think how this rat was suffering with the wolf fly larva eating him when he was still alive. Some call them bot flies but here in Florida we have always called them wolf flies.

    They do not only lay their eggs in rats, they can lay them in any animal, even humans. I think there are treatments for pets and people but most will kill a rat because of it being a rat. My husband traps them in a live trap and takes them to the dump and releases them. Of course, he killed this one, but only because it was suffering.

    photos are mine

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