Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Ferocity 1 - Modern Champion Ranked

in voilk •  2 months ago
    Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with the Ferocity rule set!


    Ferocity is a rule set that grants Fury to every monster. There's not much to this rule set. It's a nerf to most Taunt monsters. Most of them are not usable at all. There are a few exceptions like Iziar, which you don't mind it dying for the Martyr buffs. In many games it doesn't matter because players wouldn't even use a Taunt monster. It matters more in games with more mana than those with a low mana cap.

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    Let's take a look at a game with this rule set. I found an interesting battle in Modern Champion Ranked:


    This game also has the Unprotected and Rise of the Commons rule sets. Both players went with Helios Matriarch as their summoner and for the same reason: they wanted to play Katrelba Gobson. The top player started with Grimbardun Smith followed by Twilight Basilisk. Venari Scout was next and the Gladius card in the fourth position. They opted for another Sneak Double Striker next with Dhampir Infiltrator and ended with Goblin Psychic. The bottom player also has Grimbardun Smith but in the second position. They went with Lichen Beast in the first. Katrelba, Goblin Psychic, and Dhampir Infiltrator were next and Vruz was in the last slot. Very similar teams with just 2 different monsters and a few different positions. I don't think the Ferocity rule set had much impact here. Not always easy to know for sure what players would have done but it doesn't look like anything different could be done here, especially in the Rise of the Commons rule set.


    Vruz gets the first attack but it gets killed by Katrelba. However, it missed the first attack on a 2 speed difference. It wouldn't be able to kill the Dhampir Infiltrator anyway but it's still a bad miss. That same Infiltrator killed Goblin Psychic and the bottom player's Katrelba took out the opposing Infiltrator. There were a few more attacks but they're not very relevant. In round 2, everything was decided. Both Katrelba's had 7 speed and the bottom player's monster attacked first. The only way the top player could have won was if their Katrelba attacked first and the opposing one missed at least 1 attack on a 1 speed difference. Not likely but a possibility. After this, the bottom player just had to finish clear the rest of the monsters.


    What do you all think about Ferocity? Do you have any interesting games or strategies for it? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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