Roaring In!

in voilk •  4 days ago

    I took deep breaths and exhaled the final one as I clicked on the part in My Diary app that read, “Goals For Year 2024.” I think it was because I was scared of what I would find. Scared that I would finally be faced with the pictorial evidence that I’ve flunked terribly on my goals. Even though I see the point to those that don’t believe in setting goals for the year as too much pressure, I like the fact that after six months I get to face my reality. Know how far I’ve gone and establish where exactly I’m going.

    As I clicked on the page and it opened, I realized first off, that I hadn’t been greedy. I hadn’t sought for something unreachable. All of my goals were feasible and easy to achieve but needed the right amount of determination. I’d written seven goals that I believed without a doubt I could achieve. Admittedly I could decide to feel bad because some of goals listed are things that I should be well into achieving, but I noticed that none of them were beyond my reach still. I realized that all of them just need a personal vow to be disciplined and consistent. And that filled me with a lot of hope.

    Even though June was a month where I found myself practically suffocating with teh workload from school, family, finances, emotions and what have you, I ended the month with positivity. The positivity and hope I felt on the 30th of June was so overwhelming, it completely obliterated all the despair of June. And even though July promises almost a double degree of the workload, I think I’ve gotten the cheat code to ensuring that my remaining six months are as productive as they should be.

    So, after carefully observing my goals, checking if there were any goals I should scratch out or tweak a bit(I found none, btw), and generally how well I’ve been doing in each of them, it is my joy to rate myself a whopping 5/10. And I say this with joy because while I haven’t fully achieved any of them yet, I have six months to prove to myself how good it can get if I apply discipline and not have misplaced priorities.

    I’m not about to go on a motivation spree. Although frankly I think that if anything, I’ve been motivating myself. Lol. But yeah, if anything, I think that the second half of the year promises a lot of things, beginning with this month. And hopefully, I’ll seize every day to making the most out of it. Not neglecting myself in the process and how protecting my joy and peace of mind is just as paramount as the other goals.

    Speaking of goals, it’s another month and we know what happens on the first day. I’m glad that I’ve been able to cultivate this habit of talking about what I achieved on Hive in the last month. So that even on months when I fully realize that I hadn’t posted up to half of the time, I’m still motivated to talk about it. Out of sense of responsibility to myself, of course.

    So it’s #hpud and after powering up 20 Hive, I calculated that I’d gained just about 214 Hive Power in the last month. I’m always surprised at the fact that I could reach that number with how inconsistent I was but yeah, even though I gained half that amount, I’ll still be super happy and why not?

    I added 12 HBD to my savings, bringing it to 402 HBD. I’ve had a lot of reasons to withdraw from my savings but I haven’t. And even though I did quite a few withdrawals in the last month, my HBD Savings always has this look on its face that says, “FIGHTING!!” Practically cheering me on to get there.

    I can’t make promises at this point at how my consistency level on Hive will be and even though I have several differences towards the chain, Hive will always feel like a good place to let loose. Thoughts and imaginations alike.

    So yeah, let’s see what the month of July and the rest of the months bring us. All the best to everyone putting in the work to achieve their goals, I hope we’ll all have a reason to smile in the end. The good kind.


    All images are mine.

    Courtesy of The July Inleo Prompts.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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