The Space between Us

in voilk •  2 months ago


    My self-con apartmemt was a definition of modern simplicity. A single bed slightly raised up with a bed stand, a small standing fan and a small desk with a chair. The walls were plain white. My philosophy was cyrstal clear:the simpler the better.

    One cool evening after i had come back from lectures at the college where i schooled, my girlfriend, Clara visited holding a colorful painting.

    "Victor, i purchased this from the store today and i'm pretty sure it will fit into your room perfectly."

    She said, holding up the painting as a smile covered her face.

    I stared the painting, it was indeed beautiful.

    "Clara, it's magnificent but you are fully aware that i prefer to keep thing's modest."

    "It's just one painting and besides it won't consume much space." Clara replied, as the smile from her face vanished.

    "It's not about the space Clara, i just feel more comfortable and focused without distractions."

    Clara nodded, gently placing the painting on my desk.

    "You call this a distraction? Sometimes i feel like there is no room for me in your life." Clara said to me, her gaze fixed right into my eyes.

    I stared at her with confusion written all over my face.

    "What do you mean Clara?"

    "Your minimalism. It makes me feel insignificant like there is no room for shared memories, like you are shutting me out of your life." Clara replied with agony in her voice.

    I sat down, while processing her words.

    "That's not my intent, i only feel owning less important things will help me focus more." I said to her.

    "Then what about me? What about our memories together?" Clara asked.

    "I don't need objects to remember you or store our memories, they are right here." I said, pointing a finger to my head.

    Clara shook her head.

    "Not everyone views from your perspective, Victor. I adore momentos, they make me feel secured and connected."

    They was a long silence in the room before i finally spoke.

    "I never realized my lifestyle was affecting you that much, i'm sorry."

    Clara became relaxed.

    "I respect your choices but remember we can find a middle ground for our relationship."

    "That's a good idea, how about we keep the painting here then i will get a few personal touches to fix around the room, that will represent us." I said.

    Clara smiled with relief evident on her face.

    Over the next few days, i began making small changes. I fixed potraits of us together around the room and even allowed clara bring in a flower vest. In return, Clara embraced a few aspects of minimalism.

    One afternoon as we sat on the bed, Clara spoke.

    "These fixtures don't clusster your space, they just enhance it."

    "Your idea wasn't bad afterall." I said, with a smile on my face.

    Our bond grew stronger as we learnt to respect each other's perspective.

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