Splinterlands Social Media Challenge.

in voilk •  20 days ago


    Hello everyone in this community. I hope everybody is doing well.

    I am going to write about the splinterlands social media contest today. In this post I will write about one of my splinterlands battle. This battle had the Ruleset called the standard Ruleset. In the standard Ruleset there is no change in standard gameplay rules. Let’s take a look at this battle.

    I was given the mana of 25. With the 25 mana I opted for the obsidian summoner which has the 4 mana. The obsidian summoner is a magic summoner which provides an additional buff of 1 magic to magic cards on my side.

    After the obsidian summoner I selected the xenith monk card as my first card. With a mana of 4, it has 1 attack. The second card was regal peryton with 5 mana and 1 magic attack. This also means that it’ll get an additional buff of +1 magic making it 2 magic.

    Mycelic slipspawn was my third card with 2 magic and 9 mana. A +1 magic gives it a 3 magic attack. My last card was venari scout with 1 attack.

    My Team


    My Opponents Team


    After pressing on battle my regal peryton was the first card to attack. Then it was followed by an attack from my xenith monk melee card. All my other cards combined to defeat his first card in the first round.

    My opponents cards were strong but my cards were just too strong for him and so the match continued till round 6 where I finally finished off his cards.


    This game looked tough cause he hard a great line up but I still won.

    Battle Link:https://splinterlands.com/battle/sl_6e3f994a9357bf7d39954ec519971fc5?ref=jimah1k

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