My Family's Business

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My Family's Business

    In almost every home, there is always that one occupation that you find almost everyone in the family doing, either as a side hustle or main job.

    One of the things parents easily pass down to their children is their occupation. If you visit any family whose father is a farmer, you will discover that almost all the children in the house know how to farm.

    A good heritage is an added advantage. If your parents successfully passed down their occupation to you, you would discover that you have a double advantage, when that which you know doesn't work, that of your parents might work and vice versa.

    My elder sister got married to a very skillful metal worker. Before I even knew him in person, I used to hear his name around when it comes to metalwork.

    When he got married to my sister we became family. The first day I visited their family house I was impressed with what I saw. Every person he introduced to me was a metal worker and they are all his siblings.

    I used to hear of mighty metal constructions, but I didn't even know it was his family company. His father passed the occupation down to all his children. They grew up and found themselves doing excellent in the work.

    It was a wise thing the father did, imagine empowering all his children with skill, whether there is government work or not, they will still be able to put food on their tables. They are also doing their best to pass it down to the next generation.

    I love that family, it taught me a lot, most people are suffering in the world today because their parents were not mindful enough to impact them with what they knew. I know every child has his/her destiny but before they discover who they are, it is not wrong for them to start with their parent's experiences.

    While I was growing up, I often saw my father carve wood into different figures. Being someone who loves creativity, I always cling to him whenever he is working. When he discovered that I was interested in what he was doing.

    He started teaching me and not me alone, my younger brother included. Unfortunately, just when I was beginning to get good at it, my dad traveled out with his friend to sell some of his works, when he returned, he stopped the work and never carved again till he passed away. However, I heard from my mom that he was scammed by his friend.

    Currently, it seems as if my mom's food business is our family's business. Almost every one of us is good at it. My elder sister even opened her own restaurant some years back but it crashed due to some reasons.

    My Mom taught all of us how to run the business and it has been saving our ass. Sometimes she travels and leaves the shop in our care and we do the needful. Among all my siblings, I am the only one who isn't that serious about the business.

    If I tell people I don't know how to cook they don't believe me because they know I grew up in that restaurant. Well, you won't blame me, my post is in the washing and serving unit hehe. If you bring any task within this region, I will do the job well for you, LOL. But I am seriously working on my cooking skills and it's been yielding results.

    This is my entry for day 7, #aprilinleo monthly prompt. Please, guys, don't miss out, you can check out these amazing daily prompts by the Inleo team

    Thanks For Reading

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